Chapter 11 - You Shouldn't Trust Talking Birds, (Y/n).

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- (Y/n)'s POV -

A few days had gone by since that evening in the garden. You'd been training Stephen with his spell work, usually finding a small quiet space in the temple for him to practise spells. You felt it was important for students to understand and feel comfortable conjuring spells before using them in a fight. And while you did see the potential in Stephen, his progress was nowhere near as fast as you had hoped, although you weren't too surprised considering how off-topic you both would get during your lessons sometimes. But that usually resulted in quite a harsh snap back to training, at least, you didn't think it was harsh, but you were a little nervous you were laying into him too much.

Oh, well.

After a while, you started to find comfort in his words and you both grew quite close. But there was always something tugging at the back of your mind to stay cautious.

While you never thought someone like Strange would do something to hurt your friendship, you grew nervous thinking about how close you both were. It just felt easy to be around him, especially compared to when you first met Mordo and Wong. Stephen understood your sarcasm and jokes, and he was also so attentive when you talked.

That was it.

You talked.

In all your friendships, you usually were the listener, comforting Mordo or Wong about their problems, very rarely seeking comfort. But with Strange, it all flowed out of you, and you were getting comfortable.

Too comfortable.

As your session was coming to an end, you felt eyes watching you. A small feeling you learned was Mordo's way of letting you know he was close by. It was usually a result of his astral form watching you before he would walk into the room. How you could feel this, you were never quite sure but you were never bothered enough to question it. And just as you expected it, Mordo walked into the room, sending a spell towards Strange, prompting him to attempt a shield, which he failed, flying him back from the impact of the spell.

You and Mordo exchanged worried glances before walking over to him, making sure he was ok, and pulling him up.

"I see we still have far to go," Mordo spoke, disappointed yet determined to improve Strange's skill level.

You, however, had caught onto Mordo's thoughts.

Up until this point, their sparring sessions had been magicless. Only focusing on physical power and strength. But you knew Mordo preferred learning on the job.

"No." You stated, "It's too early."

You shook your head. You knew it was way too dangerous.

"That's precisely why we should." He said, irritated.

He was eager.

You both glared at each other. Differing opinions were something you both encountered normally, but not usually about your methods of teaching.

"Why we should what...?" Strange spoke, out of breath from your training as well as his recent flight towards the wall.

Your eyes moved to him. You shook your head and started to leave. Mordo, then stepped in front of you, blocking your path. He wanted to win this one. To have his way.

He was incredibly stubborn.

After a minute of glaring, you unclenched your fists that you hadn't noticed balled up in the first place, and sighed.

"Fine. But The Ancient One won't be happy." You grumbled.

"Never mind her. It will work." He replied, a victorious smile now evident.


Strange found his way back to the library after a while. His wardrobe upgraded, he was now sporting a red tunic as opposed to his grey attire.

- Stephen's POV -


I was greeted. At least, I think that was a greeting.


"What do you want, Strange?"

"Books on astral projection."

Wong stared blankly.

"You're not ready for that."

"Try me, Beyonce."


"Come on. You've heard of her. She's a huge star, right?"

Why do I even bother?

"Do you ever laugh?" I looked into his eyes, trying to find any sort of answer. "Oh come on, just give me the book, huh?"


"(Y/n) says I'm ready for it." I lied. Wong met my gaze, eyes narrowing to try and push the truth out of me.


And with that defeat, I made my way back to my room.


It was quite late, so I wasn't expecting the knock that I heard on the door a little while later. It creaked open, and I looked up to see (Y/n)'s head peer in.

"Not disturbing am I?" She asked, scanning my room and seeing me at my desk trying to read.

"Not at all," I stated, closing my book.

"I heard from a little bird that you think you're ready for astral projection?" She asked, leaning against the door with her arms folded and a raised eyebrow.


"You shouldn't trust talking birds, (Y/n)."

"Strange." She sighed, "As much as I agree with how far your progress has gone, you're not ready to take on something like that by yourself." she said, making her way to sit on the bed behind me.

"Then teach me." I said, a glint of mischief in my eye.

I turned to face her.

"If I can't do it by myself then you should teach me. You're such a good teacher."

She was a great teacher. She really was despite my tone. My obliviously charming tone. She was tough. But great. And I knew the flattery might sway her a bit.

"You don't think I'm too hard on you with your conjuring?" She asked, curiosity in her voice.

In truth, she was. But Mordo had at least warned me so it didn't come as a surprise. In fact, I had expected her to be much stricter. Our little conversations through sessions were a nice break that I hadn't even considered being a possibility, but I wasn't complaining.

"Maybe a little," I answered truthfully, "But I know it's just because you want me to be better. Or are you using this as an opportunity to torment me?" I asked, one eyebrow raised playfully.

She giggled slightly.

"If I was, I definitely wouldn't tell you."

She shifted on the bed, her arms now holding up her weight as she leant back.

"But seriously Strange, astral projection is far too advanced at this stage."

I don't know why I felt the need to do it, but I conjured all the energy within me to pull off the best puppy-dog eyes I ever have in my life.

And the next thing I knew, I was sitting next to (Y/n) on the bed, cross-legged, and nervousness in her eyes.

Hehe, little playful chapter.

I like to think Mordo & (Y/n) have a brother/sister kinda relationship, just without either of them acknowledging it lol.

Until next time <3

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