The Origins of (Y/n) - Part 2

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You shivered in the night as you stood there. You didn't know where you were, or what happened to your parents, or anything at all. You felt alone, and rightfully so. You were alone in the middle of the night in a city you were so unfamiliar with. As you choked back a tear, you reached up to grab the circular pendant of the necklace you had just recently acquired, and, in a flash, your vision blurred.

Your mind zoomed through the streets until it landed on a particularly odd-looking building on the corner of a street. 

It looked lifeless. 

But what caught your attention was the large circular window at the top, the same symbol as the pendant that adorned your neck. Your vision suddenly flashed to your home, the monsters, in a rage. Mindless Ones, you recalled your mother calling them. And almost as if they could see you, they all snapped their heads in your direction and disappeared.

As your vision came back, the streets were still empty, but something told you to find this building. However, you no longer felt alone. As you blindly navigated the streets and alleys, you felt eyes on your back, occasionally turning to check you were not being followed. 

Be strong, you heard your mother's voice say. 

You decided to pick up your pace in hopes that, whatever this building was, would bring you answers.

Then after walking for what felt like an hour, you saw it. 

In the distance, the large circular window with lines running across it. Your heartbeat quickened with excitement. 

You had made it

But, just as you thought safety was ahead, you heard a loud growl from the alleyway behind you. As you turned, you saw one of the creatures from your house, red beams shooting from their face towards you.

Panic and adrenaline set in, and you ran as fast as you could, towards the building, ducking and dodging the attacks. Just as you were 50-odd metres from the front door, the creature caught up to you and grabbed your leg, causing you to trip over. You screamed and tried to wriggle out of its tight and painful grip. 

This was it, you thought. 

Until you heard the doors of this mysterious place swing open to reveal a clothed figure.

In a swift movement of their arms, a beam of light coated in symbols fired at the creature on your legs. Finding a weak spot left by your parents, they struck the creature with one powerful hit. As you turned around, you saw that it was no longer gripping your legs. It was shattering, into a thousand small shards like a broken mirror, but they didn't reflect anything. 

Was the creature gone? 

You were quickly brought to your feet and ushered inside. The large, heavy doors swung shut behind you, and the figure bent down in front of you before they removed their hood.

"Child, where are your parents?"

You didn't say anything. Only shock ran through your veins. You hadn't processed any of the events of the evening, let alone were able to repeat them out loud. They looked to check if you were hurt, only for their eyes to land on your neck, the pendant.

There was a sad look on their face as they pieced everything together, now understanding where your necklace came from and the likely possibility that your parents were now dead. But before you could mutter anything, your vision fuzzed, and the exhaustion finally caught up to you.


When you awoke, you were no longer in the same building you had entered and had hoped everything was just a dream. Or a nightmare more like. But to your disappointment, it wasn't. It was all very real. 

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