Chapter 25 - Well, Don't Stop Now

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- Third POV -

Chaos ensued as the three sorcerers ran onto the streets of Hong Kong. Civilians screaming and running for their lives. Small fires littered the streets while cars crashed and buildings up ahead crumbled.

"The sanctum has already fallen." Stephen noted as the three of them looked up to the sky. Above what they assumed to be the Hong Kong sanctum, cosmic purple cloud swirled and brightly coloured objects filled the space.

"The Dark Dimension," Mordo spoke their collective thought out loud, "Dormammu is coming."

Their attention was dragged away from the leering purple sky and onto the three Zealots that now approached them.

"It's too late." (Y/n) sighed, but her features moulded into determination upon seeing Kaecilius and his followers - determination to end him.

"Nothing can stop him." Mordo added, his physical stance ever so relaxed. He looked defeated, barely readying to fight or defend anything.

Stephen's features looked thoughtful. There was clearly a plan forming in his mind, and (Y/n) noticed this. "Not necessarily." He spoke, as he moved his hands and opened the Eye of Agamotto that still adorned his neck. The stone glowed, and as Kaecilius rushed forwards, now understanding what Strange was about to do, the glowing rings reformed over his arm and he turned his wrist - stopping time just as Kaecilius' blade came to a halt just in front of his forehead. His hands were shaking as he turned his wrist and started to reverse the clock. Civilians had started running backwards, Kaecilius was flown back into his running path, signs and lights that had previously fallen had lifted back into their original places on the sides of buildings - it was working. Stephen then promptly waved his hands to his left, over (Y/n) then to his right over Mordo, including them in his little bubble that excluded him from the time manipulation.

The Masters looked shocked as they came to. Objects and people flying back into them. "The spell's working," Stephen shouted as he moved his hands back to his sides, "We've got a second chance." And with that, they started running past the Zealots and towards the sanctum.

Kaecilius, however, with his now dark dimensional energy, had managed to free himself from the time warp, and his followers promptly followed.

As the three sorcerers made their way down the street, (Y/n) bumped into a civilian running past, causing her to look back and narrowly dodge a metal frame being thrown in her direction, then immediately getting knocked to the ground by Kaecilius. He moved to put his hand around her throat and lift her just as Stephen had sent an attack towards him, causing him to drop (Y/n) just as a wall behind them started to reform, knocking the two men back before the fight resumed. Not only were they now fighting the Zealots, but they were also fighting with time, or rather, all the people and objects that were being thrown back through time. Just like the police car that nearly drove straight into Stephen.

Before (Y/n) could jump back in and help him, one of the Zealots grabbed her shoulder, spinning her and started to attack. Mordo, too, had now found himself occupied with combat; small street fires illuminating their battle ground.

As the world around them continued to reform to its peaceful nature, the fighters found themselves dodging attacks and objects; (Y/n) just narrowly missing a manhole cover, that slammed into a Zealot and dragging her into a wall that had quickly formed back into the seafood tank it was before the restaurant crumbled.

But not just objects and buildings were reforming and coming back to life, so were people. Civilians that had died due to the chaos and destruction, were being dragged back through time and essentially being brought back to life. 

Giant metal scaffolding erected and (Y/n) & Mordo saw this as an opportunity to gain higher ground and away from the rumbling of the streets, but they were followed. As they landed on a platform, a Zealot had started attacking them, clearly also looking for safety from the flying objects. As the scaffolding continued to form, Mordo conjured a whip and grabbed the Zealots' legs, flinging her back towards a wall that had just formed, trapping her behind it.

The two sorcerers watched as the streets transformed back into what they were merely minutes before they had arrived. (Y/n) nudged Mordo and nodded to the sky. The purple cloud was starting to dissolve and retreat - a sign that the sanctum was reforming and that Strange's plan was really working.

As the spell continued, the two sorcerers noticed a dark cloud of dust approaching the street below them, just before they noticed a third sorcerer collecting his balance before being engulfed by the cloud. So instinctively, (Y/n) and Mordo jumped down to help - or really (Y/n) grabbed onto Mordo's sides as his boots carried him down.

The cloud came with a strong gust of wind and Strange felt his balance being strongly tested. He felt his cloak jump off his shoulders he turned to see it had blocked an attack from Kaecilius, just as the dust cloud passed through them and back into the distance. Strange threw offensive and defensive punches, the adrenaline of being thrust into several combats today had started subconsciously training his brain, and as (Y/n) unclung herself from Mordo as they landed, she threw a whip to Kaecilius' leg and sent him after the cloud and into a concrete wall that formed right over him as he yelled in defeat.

The three of them looked up. A huge skyscraper was now rotating upright and returning to its other half. (Y/n) followed the rubble in front of them as it flew up to rejoin the building, revealing Wong, with a metal pole sticking out from his chest.

"Oh my god-"

The two sorcerers joined her gaze seeing their friend impaled.

"Wong!" Stephen said as they rushed over to the sorcerer who had just been brought back to life, weapon at the ready. Stephen waved his hand over him just as he did the other two, and Wong realised what was happening around them. "Breaking the laws of nature. I know." Strange rolled his eyes, knowing the disapproving statement that would form from Wong. Wong turned to see where he was just impaled, and turned back to join the three sorcerers' sides, 

"Well, don't stop now."

The four of them watched as the sanctum was resolving to its fully formed state.

"When the Sanctum is restored, they will attack it again. We have to defend it." Strange stated, "Come on!"

And they made off to the end of the street.

Ahhh I really need to start writing the second half of this book! I wanna try maintain a semi sort of consistent upload schedule so wish me luck lol

Until next time <3 

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