Chapter 187: Junior Firefighter Program and A Firehouse Inspection Part 1

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POV: Kelly Casey-Severide-Remington-Herrmann

Matt and I have our Dress Blues with us today because of the Firehouse Inspection. Harrison got sick so he couldnt go to school today so he is with us today. Van Meter and Griss gave him a Dress Blue suit and a Firefighter Turnout Gear. So we have them with our things and put them in my Mustang Convertible. As Matt is packing everything we need Im putting Harrisons carseat in my car. Once it was in I put Harrison in, Matt put our backpacks in the trunk he then put our Dress Blues on top and closed the Trunk. He then got in the passenger seat and I got in the driver seat. I then saw Harrison crying so I got unblocked and went to see why.

Baby, what is wrong? I asked

Hair up and Contible. said Harrison, so I put his kind of long hair up in a ponytail as Matt put the roof down. Once it was down and his hair was up Harrison stopped crying and we went on our way to 51. When we got there Matt got our things out as I got Harrison and put the roof up. Once we had everything I locked the door and we walked inside.

Hey Captains, what is Kyle doing here? asked Gabby

Im not Jack-Jack. said Harrison

Oh sorry, which one are you then Buddy? asked Gabby as she went to pinch his checks.

The one that me and six other people will kill you if you touch him without asking him. I said and she backed off. That is when Doherty came up and took Harrison

Hey Avocado-Bug, not feeling well today? asked Norwood

No my tummy is hurting me and I was sick yesterday so Daddy and Taddy brought me with them today. said Harrison as Matt and I high-fived.

Was that Bub-Bug? asked Papa Chris

Yep, the past few days he had been at home sick so Matt and I put Blues Clues on and it has helped him with the English. Also Matt can do Steves voice now. I said

Nice, well we should go put our things up. said Papa Chris as Matt took Harrison and I got our things that he put on the ground.

When it gets close to the Firehouse Inspection, Im putting Harrison in his Dress Blues and I fix his hair so it looks good. I then get ready and Matt does the same thing. Once we are done we put Heros, Valors and Marines Fire Harness on and we walk out of our Office. Harrison was running around. I lost him, but he knows not to leave the Firehouse.

Uh-oh. That's not DC Schafer said Uncle Mouch

Oh, God, this guy. said Papa Chris

Kylie. Get rid of this. whispered Boden

Of course. whispered Kylie as Deputy Commissioner Watts came over.

Deputy Commissioner Watts, welcome to Firehouse 51. said Boden

Chief Boden. Is your firehouse ready for inspection? Yes, sir. You got a loose button there, firefighter. said and asked Watts

Oh, oh. ( clears throat ) Yes, sir. said Cruz as he clears his throat and Papa Chris phone goes off, he stopped it and spoke up.

Sorry. said Papa Chris

Is that an unlatched compartment on your ladder apparatus? And what is that? Have I wandered into a thrift store? Chief, what kind of firehouse are you running here? said/asked Watts as he walked around and pointed to our floor.

A busy one, Commissioner. said Boden

It's no excuse. Also, is that a kid? said and asked Watts as Harrison was walking over to us.

Yes, Captain Casey and I thought why not have a Junior Firefighter Program, to show children what its like to be a Firefighter. I said fast and Matt spoke up next.

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