Chapter 88: Some More Questions, a Shit Doctor and Weird Shift Part 1

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POV: Andy Darinaon-Darden-Herrmann

I woke up next to my Brother, Brother-In-Law and Brother-and-Friend. I then remember we had a shift and woke them up once I saw that it was 6:24 in the morning. We have a shift in one hour and we arent ready. I then see Kelly and Danny wake up but Matt doesnt.

Babe, wake up, we have an hour to get ready for our shift. said Kelly and he gave Matt a kiss

Morning, Andy , Kelly and Danny. said Matt as he got up and we got ready for the day. Once we got out of Sevaseys room we saw Papi Christo, Linda and Drew at the counter.

Morning Boys. said Papi Christo, Linda and Drew

Morning Christo, Linda and Drew/Babe. said Andy and me

Morning Papa Hell Fire/Christopher, Drew Babe/Linda. said Danny and Matt as we got coffee.

Babe, we got to wake up the children and get back to New York. said Linda

Boys, do you have everything for our shift? asked Christo

We just need to get need to get our Cats and Dogs ready to go. said Matt

Im going to be a bit late, Boden knows, but Kyle has a doctors appointment today. said Kelly

I thought that was after our shift. said Matt

It was, but Kyles medicine hasnt really been working so we have to see about getting him something new. Cindy is busy with Interior Design Business so I have to take him. said Kelly and he got Kyles backpack ready. Valor and Marine then came in with Kyle, Baby Chris and Tristan by them. Once they got to Kelly and Matt, Tristan and Baby Chris put their hands up to Matt and he picked them up. Valor and Marine stay really close to Kyle.

Kelly Daddy, it hurts. said Kyle as he put his arms to Kelly.

I know Kyle Baby, lets get you dressed and then we will go to your Doctor Baby. said Kelly

Okay Daddy, can you help me get ready? asked Kyle

Sure Baby, Marine and Valor get your Harness on. said Kelly and he walked off.

POV: Kelly Casey-Severide-Herrmann

Once Kyle and I get to his room, I see that it has gotten more of a mess and I clean it up a bit while he goes to brush his teeth. As Im doing that I hear Kyle cry and I run into his bathroom.

Baby, what is it? I asked and held him close

I lost it Daddy. said Kyle crying and I pulled him into a hug and saw that his pants were wet.

What did you lose, Baby? I asked as I took off his clothes and put him in the shower. I then washed his body and hair. Once I was done I wrapped a soft towel around him and picked him up. He didnt tell me until I had his head laying on my shoulder.

The St. Christopher necklace that Nonno Christo gave me. said Kyle as I dried him off.

Baby Sevy, look what I found. said Papa

My necklace. Thank you. said Kyle as he ran over to Papa without the towel or clothes on.

Welcome Baby Sevy, now go back to your Dad and get ready. said Papa

Okay Nonno Christo. said Kyle and he came back to me, but as he did he gave me the St. Christopher necklace and turned his back to me and I put it on before he turned so he was facing me. Once he was facing me I put his underwear on, then his pants, shirt and his favorite hoodie that Papa got for him. It says Soon to be a Badass Navy SEAL-Marine and Firefighter of Squad 3. Once I got that on I went to put his Combat boots on and grabbed his stuffed bunnies, fox and Trash. Once I did I walked back into the kitchen and grabbed Kyles and my backpacks.

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