Chapter 4: A Day with Uncle Mouch

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POV: Kelly Benjamin-Christopher Severide-Herrmann

It has been two years since Papa Chris adopted me and Uncle Mouch became my Godfather. Papa Chris is on a date with his girlfriend Cindy Jennings, so Uncle Mouch is watching me. We go to the park, and he is on the swing beside me and we are talking.

Uncle Mouch, do you know if I will ever meet the other Firefighters that you and Papa Chris work with? I asked as we swing on the swings.

One day My Little Squad Guy. said Uncle Mouch

Hey sir, my kid is wondering if he could have the swing. said someone Lady

Uncle Mouch, dont leave me. I said

Wont you like to play with a kid your age? asked said the Lady

No, Uncle Mouch can we go, I want Papa Chris. I said

You kidnapped the kid from his Dad and Made him call you. said the Lady

No, Daddy died when I was five. Papa Chris adopted me two years ago. Also Uncle Mouch is just watching me, while Papa Chris is on his date. I said

Didnt your Dad ever tell you about Stranger Danger. said the lady

Yes, which is why my Godson and I are leaving. Come on My Little Squad Guy. said Uncle Mouch as he picked up and grabbed my backpack before walking off.

Once we got to Uncle Mouchs car, he put me in my car seat and asked if I was okay.

My Little Squad Guy, are you okay? asked Uncle Mouch

Can I just have my blanket, Firefighter Daddy Teddy Bear, and Moony Mommy Wolf? I asked

Of course, Buddy here you go. said Uncle Mouch as he put my bear and wolf in my arms and then put my blanket on me. He then kissed my head and messed with my hair before he closed the door and got into his car and we drove off.

POV: Mouch

After the day my Godson Kelly had, I just drove us to my house because he is spending the night. Once Im there I look in the back and see that Kelly is asleep. So I got out, grabbed our things and then I grabbed him. I then walk inside and go put Kelly in his room.

Once it is lunch time I go to wake up Kelly.

Hey My Little Squad Guy, I made lunch. I said

Can we call Papa Chris? asked Kelly

Sure Buddy. Lets go eat some lunch and we will call him. I said

Okay Uncle Mouch. said Kelly, as I picked him up.

Once we got into the dinning room, put Kelly in the chair and put a plate of food in front of him. I then called Christopher, he didnt pick up right away. So I tried again and then I got the answer.

Hey Mouch, is everything okay? asked Christopher

Your child wants to talk to you. I said

Hey Cindy, I have to take this but I will be back. said Christopher

That is okay, just make sure your kid is okay. I heard Cindy say

Thank you. Okay Mouch put Kelly on. said Christopher

Hey Buddy Papa Chris is on the phone. I said as I gave Kelly my phone.

Hey Sevy Sev, what happened? asked Christopher

Someone was being mean to Uncle Mouch. said Kelly

What did they say Baby? asked Christopher

She called Uncle Mouch a Stranger and said that he kidnapped me. She also called you Dad thats not your name. said Kelly, as he cried.

Oh Baby, Im coming home. said Christopher

Chris, Im okay, I got Uncle Mouch. said Kelly

Sevy Sev Im coming home now. said Christopher

Christopher, stay with Cynthia. Im good, besides you really like her. said Kelly and I laughed

Shut it, McHolland. Are you sure Sevy? said/asked Christopher

Yes Papa Chris, you talk about her all the time and have been dating since I was six. Im now seven. said Kelly, as he looked at Christopher and Christopher did the same.

Okay, I will go back to my date, but if anything happens Im coming home right away. said Christopher, as he looked serious and so did Kelly.

Okay love you Papa Chris. said Kelly

Love you too Sevy Sev. said Christopher and Kelly hung up, he then gave me my phone.

We then watched a movie until it was time for Kelly to go to sleep. The next morning Christopher came over and we made breakfast before waking up Kelly. Once breakfast was made Christopher went to wake up Kelly. We then ate and Kelly and Christopher went home.

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