Chapter 81: Asking a Million and One Questions Part 1

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POV: Christopher Herrmann

Once I get to the Firehouse I see everyone around Kelly and Andy. Mouch, Matt and Drew are trying to get everyone to back up but they dont so I just walk up to yell at my two oldest.

Andrew Marcus-Christopher Darden-Herrman and Kelly Benjamin-Christopher Severide-Herrmann, why did you two tell your little brother that he can have sugar before bed. When Cindy and I both said not to do that. It took hours to get Kenny James to sleep. I yelled and everyone backed off and Andy and Kelly hugged me.

Thanks Christo, they wouldnt back off. said Kelly and Andy

I know, that is why I yelled at you two. Also Andy, you forgot your St. Christopher necklace at my house on Sunday. I said as I gave him his necklace.

Thanks Christo. said Andy and everyone came up to us.

Why did you adopt them? asked Carver

My Parents died when I was five. said Kelly as he and Andy were messing with his St. Christopher necklace, Matt and Drew then both gave them hugs.

My Mom was killed in a car crash and Micheal hated me after that. said Andy

Andy and Kelly, I brought you two, something. I said as I got the Kellys Hot Chocolate out of my bag and gave it to my boys and they started to drink it.

First one done wins K. said Andy

You are on A. said Kelly and they drank the hot chocolate

Dont get sick boys. I said and they started to drink the hot chocolate

What are they doing? asked Boden and the boys both gave me the togo mugs.

K and A, you tied again. Also they like to see who can drink the hot chocolate fast. I said

Our younger siblings do it too, when we let them have it. said Kelly and Andy

What is in the Hot Chocolate, because it smells different? asked Racter

We cant tell you, until you try it. Also Kell we should see if they can make it. said Andy

Matt can, Papa Christo had to teach because of my Two Shit Days before the Wedding. said Kelly, and everyone went into the kitchen.

So can we try it? asked Cruz

Andy and Kelly. I said

Yes, and Drew if you cant make this Im going to be sad and you are on the couch. said Andy

Oh I got this, can Matt and I go ahead and start? asked Drew

Oh so much confidence, the last person to have that much confidence almost put Kelly in the hospital. Andy said and Kelly hit him.

He did, Christo hated him for that also that guy is now my Father-In-Law. said Kelly

Sure, just dont let the others see. Everyone else I will make food, go do something. I said

Okay Bye, Christo. said Kelly and Andy

Call us when it is done, Herrmann. said everyone else

Andrew and Kelly, you two are helping. I said and they got things out.

As we were making breakfast Andy and Kelly played music and started to sing This is Hallween when it came on and they didnt notice. I just kept working on the Hot Chocolate while they made the food. Once they were done and the song was over they were still singing it.

Boys and girls of every age

Wouldn't you like to see something strange?

Come with us and you will see

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