Chapter 145: Alderman Casey Part 3

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POV: Kyle Casey-Severide-Herrmann

Daddy and I are waiting for Taddy to get home from his Alderman meeting. We got bored and started to cook. Once everything was done we took a nap on our couch by the kitchen. After a bit I heard the oven go off and we got the cupcakes out. We then let them cool before we put frosting on them. Once the frosting is on we go back to our nap.

Come on Guys is it so hard to clean up after yourselves. said Tad

Alderman Tad. I said as I hugged him

Hey Baby Sev, did you make all this food? said/asked Tad

Alderman Casey-Severide he had help. said Dad as he kissed Tad

Well are you going to clean it up while I shower? asked Tad

I did clean it up. I just have to get the last of the dishes. said Gavin

Kyle, said good night to Tad so that you can go to bed. said Dad

Night Tad, I love you. I said

Night Angel and I love you too. said Tad as he gave me a kiss on the head and a hug.

I then went to my room and fell asleep after Dad told me a story. Kissed my head and tucked me in. He then turned my Night Light on and left my room. Making sure to crack my door.

POV: Kelly Casey-Severide-Herrmann

Once I got Kyle to bed I went to mine and Matts room and I saw Matts clothes on the floor. I picked them up and put them in the hamper. I then go into the bathroom and Brush my teeth. Once I done someone grabs me from behind and I punched their eye with my ring.

I have to stop doing that to you, Babe. said Matt and I turned around.

Fuck Matt, just be glad I didnt get my knife out. Let me see your eye. I said

Take a shower with me and you can. said Matt

Matt, just let me see your eye. I said

It's Alderman Casey-Severide. said Matt and pushed him up to one of our porch doors in our bathroom. We have the blinds closed so I mind doing that. I then left his arms up above his head with one hand and the other was looking at his right eye. As I was doing that he was moving a lot so I put my knee to his crotch and held it there. He then stopped moving and started to let his cute little Moans out. I kissed his lips and see that he had nothing on.

You do good Bello, your eye is okay. Now let me see your crotch. I said as I moved my knee and saw that Matt was so hard. Maybe even harder than ever before.

Fuck me now. Wined Matt and I just keep his arms above his head and kiss his body.

No, Im going to make it so that people know you are taken. I saw the news and there was someone flirting with My Husband. So we are going to our bed and Im going to mess with you. If you touch your ass or crotch, you will go to bed without the feeling of me in you. I said

Sir, yes Sir. said Matt

Good, now go to our bed. I said and Matt ran to the bed. I then walk to the bed and I see Matt is spread out on our bed with nothing over him.

Im ready My Husband. said Matt as I walked over to our bed and took off my clothes.

Okay, Babe. I said as I started to kiss his stomach and leave Hickeys all over his body. Once Im happy with the amount of Hickeys I got out the Lube and put it on my fingers. I then started moving my fingers in his Beautiful ass. Once he is ready I put my Dick into him and start to fuck him hard and fast. I didn't let him come but I did.

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