Chapter 157: Sevasey+Kyle In England and A Girl Part 1

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Order of Photos: Elizabeth Arabella Knight-A 16-Year-Old British-Girl, George Arlo-Raimon Knight-A 5-Day-Old British-Boy and Comet Rory Knight-A Merle Border Collie.

POV: Kyle Casey-Severide-Herrmann

Once Dad, Tad and me got back home we started to pack. I got my things packed and went to find Heros, Marines and Valors things. I got their things together and walked to Dads and Tads room. I knocked on the door and knocked on their door.

Hey Buddy are you okay? asked Tad

Im packed, I want Dad to make sure I got everything packed. I said and Dad came out of their room. He then picked me up and walked to my room.

He then looked through my backpack, carry-on and suitcase. Once he was done he gave me a high-five. We then took the suitcases and my backpack to his and Tads room.

Hey Sev, did he get everything? asked Tad

Yes, he even packed Heros, Marines and Valors things. said Dad

Okay, I have our things packed lets get some sleep. said Tad

Baby, do you want to sleep in our bed or yours? asked Dad

Yours. I said as we laid down and went to sleep.

The Next Morning

Once Dad and Tad woke me up we ate Breakfast and Aunt Water Lady took us to the Airport. When we got there we got our things checked and there security. We went to our gate, we then got food for the plane ride and sat down. Once we were sitting down, I saw Hero put his paws on Dad. Dad then started to pet him and he seemed calm.

Always My Sev and Forever Your Case. said Tad and Dad, relaxed.

Parents and Children are boarding now. said the lady and we got up. Dad had Heros leash tight in his hand. Tad and I had Marine and Valor. Once we got on Dad let Heros leash go a little. Tad then took Dads hand and held it in his.

Its okay Babe, we will be fine. said Tad

Every trip we on ended badly, Case. said Dad

This one will be better. said Tad

Always My Case and Forever Your Sev. said Dad as he relaxed and held Tads hand.

After a long plane ride we got there and Dad only had one panic attack. We got our things and went to our Hotel. Dad was looking out the window and he turned to Tad.

Babe pull over for a minute. said Dad as Tad did that.

Babe, are you okay? asked Tad as Dad got out.

Just get Kyle and come with me. said Dad, as he got his backpack. We then walked a bit and Dad stopped in front of a girl. She looked scared of us.

Hey Princess, Im Kelly, that is my husband Matt and one of our boys Kyle. Three of our dogs, Hero, Valor and Marine. Can you tell me your name? said/asked Dad as he took of Tads Mr. Caseys Construction hoodie and put it on the girl. A dog then came up and looked like he was going to fight Dad.

Elizabeth Arabella Knight, Im 16, Comet Rory sit. said Elizabeth

Nice to meet you Elizabeth, can we help you? said/asked Tad

My Baby Boy, George Arlo-Raimon Knight, I cant help him but I dont want to give him up. said Elizabeth as Dad and Tad gave each other a look.

Princess, why dont we help you. said Dad

Can my Dog come too? asked Elizabeth

Sure Angel, get your things and you can come with us to our Hotel. said Tad

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