Chapter 121: What is Going on Part 4

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POV: Christopher Herrmann

Once we are let out for now, I take Kelly and Andy outside and they just hug me without letting go. I just hold them in my arms and talk in their ears. I know my shirt is soaking wet but I dont care. I just want my two boys to finally have this in their past.

Chris, they are calling us back in. said Danny as he helped me up and the four of us walked back in. Andy and Kelly are still holding on to me so I go to sit with Erin, her Partner and my boys. Once the jury came in Kelly and Andy got scared. Then the judge came in and it got worse. I just held their hands and I could feel them shaking.

The Jury has come to a decision. Would the Jury in charge please tell us. said the judge

Erin, Kelly just passed out. I said in Erins ear

I notice he was holding my hand and he just stopped. said Erin

We need more information on what happened it is still undecided. said one of the Jurys

Judge Hankals, we would like to bring up Christopher Herrmann. said Erin

Why him? asked Micheals lawyer

He was the one who cared for both boys, he never even fully adopted Andrew Darinaon-Darden-Herrmann until he was 17. said Erin

I will allow that if he can give us good information. said the Judge

A, can you just hold onto K. I will be back, Dary I promise. I said as Andy went to hug Kelly and I went up to the stand. Once I did I sit down and Erin came up to me.

Mr. Herrmann, can you tell us about the call you got when you found out your adopted sons were in the hospital? asked Erin and I saw Kelly was awake.

I was on a shift, when a friend of mine and Kellys Biological Dads Firehouse called me saying that Kelly and Andrew are going to the hospital. I told my boss Chief Wallace Boden and he said I could go. Once I got there Captain Jack Taylor, told me that Kelly is in surgery and Andrew is having a really bad panic attack. Once I got Andy calmed down Kellys doctor came out and told me that the surgery went well. He said that Kelly would have to be careful for the next two weeks. After that day Kelly and Andy were always by each other's sides. Micheal hated Kelly and once he found out that his son wasnt going to leave Kellys side. He kicked Andy out onto the streets. I then took Andy into my life as my own son. The only reason Andy didnt get adopted until he was 17 was because Micheal was still holding onto his rights. I said and then Micheals lawyer came up and I looked at my to boys.

Mr. Herrmann, is it true that you punched My client? asked Micheals lawyer

Yes, but that was after he put us in the car crash that happened two weeks before he almost killed Kelly and Andy twice. Andy was fine, nothing too bad, just a broken arm and a concussion. Kelly went into a coma after he died twice on the site of the crash, once in the Ambo and three times while he was in surgery. I said

Didnt you also threaten his first wife? asked Micheals lawyer

What no, I didnt even know Andrew, Kelly or Micheal when Andys Mom died. I said

It says here his first was Nella Darden. said Micheals Lawyer

Okay, no I didnt like that Andy hated him. He just wanted Andy back so that he could have someone to take his anger out on. I said and I saw Andy was crying into Kelly.

So you didnt say you arent a good Step-Mother? asked Micheals Lawyer

No, I would say that Nella didnt know any of the Shit that Micheal did to Andrew and Kelly until Micheal tried to kill them a fifth time and she called me on Kellys phone. I said

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