Zavala: It seems they like me.

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Zavala's POV

It was the next morning and it was around 6:00am. I could see the sun rising up from the horizon. It reminds me of the last city where I would go at the dead of night to hear the city's pulse to remind me of how far we've come. Now as the clouds slowly cleared up I heard a knock on the door which surprised me. I was not expecting anyone at this hour maybe it was the manager of this hotel? I approached the door and looked through the small window and saw it was the two individuals I've met yesterday. I opened the door to greet them personally.

Myself: Ah Mr. Ozpin correct? I didn't expect you to be here?

Ozpin: Indeed I am. May we come in?

Myself: Very well. So what brings you here?

Ozpin: Well I came here for a proposition for you Mr. Arc. Tell me have you ever been in combat or train for battle before?

Myself: 'What is he after? Better play along.' Indeed I have. I have my fair share in combat before.

Ozpin: That's good to hear. So what do you know about me?

Myself: Not much only you are some type of manager or teacher if I'm correct?

Ozpin: Close I'm the headmaster of Beacon Academy here in Vale. We are currently low on one student and I would like you to attend as one of them.

Myself: Does you assistant agreed to this?

Glynda: I didn't have much of a choice. Though he is right when we are down one student. Teams would be uneven until someone shows up.

Ozpin: Since the initiation is over and teams are already formed one team only has three members so we need one more for them. Tell me have you ever led a group before?

Myself: Yes I have.

Ozpin: Then can I ask you to attend Beacon as this teams new leader? We can provide you with the necessary needed until your graduation.

Ozpin seems to be really insistent on having me join the academy he runs. He's also hiding something. Whatever he's playing it sounds like he needs me for something? Better play along and find out what he's planning.

Myself: Alright Ozpin I'll take up your offer but on one condition. If possible I would like access to all the files of every student here at Beacon. It's best to know who I'm working with and who I'm going to meet.

Glynda: Absolutely Not-

Ozpin: Very well Mr. Arc you got yourself a deal.

We shook hands as I see Glynda jaw dropped on what Ozpin just did. To her giving access to private information to every student at Beacon to an unknown individual is a crime but to Ozpin I assume he trusts me well enough of this information but why?

Ozpin: Will send you all the information of every student once we arrive to Beacon. Now then pack your things Mr.Arc for you new life starts now.


At Beacon Academy Ozpin, Glynda, and Zavala entered the courtyard as students looked at him with his unique armor on. For some reason some of them see Zavala as a beacon of hope on respect.

Ozpin: We will be heading to the auditorium for everyone to meet you. I hope you have a speech Mr.Arc.

Zavala: I think I can make something up.

Time skip

In the auditorium every student was in their seats wondering what's the meeting about. Teams RWBY and soon to be JNPR now for now known as team PRN sat next to each other talking amongst themselves.

Yang: So what do you think this assembly is about?

Nora: Oh maybe it's about pancakes?!

Ren: I don't think it's that.

Weiss: Well maybe it's something important. Maybe something involves either Beacon itself or something else.

Ruby: Oh maybe they have someone new!

Blake: ...

Pyrrha: Well we are about to see. Look here comes the headmaster.

They look to see Ozpin approaching the mic with Glynda next to him. Everyone gotten quiet ready to hear him speak.

Ozpin: Good afternoon students. Today you all must be wondering why I called you all to be here today. Well today we have a new student who will be filling the gap in one of our teams. He is a seasonal leader and skilled combatant. Though he will prove it after this assembly. May I introduce to you all to Mr. Arc.

Pyrrha was surprised by this and saw the person who she met last week now standing on stage looking proudly at everyone.

Pyrrha was surprised by this and saw the person who she met last week now standing on stage looking proudly at everyone

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Ozpin: Mr. Arc if you please?

Zavala: certainly sir. Greetings I am Jaune Arc and I will be filling as the teams new leader from the is point forward.

The screen behind him shows team PRN now forming as team JNPR. Everyone who was a fan of Pyrrha were surprised he was made leader and not her.

Zavala: Though I may look untested in your eyes I will prove it in the arena. Now as the headmaster requested a speech is in order. *ahem* What makes a huntsman a huntsman? To take our first breath to the great unknown. Yet we are next to be drawn to the light. We fight, we die, and we fight again. We know what we were been chosen for reason, by something greater than ourselves. For as deep and wide both humanity and Faunus rivers have run it is now been reduced to a precious few leading something to believe in and a place to call home. This is what we've been called to. The future that we fight for. The future we will protect. Shaped by the fires of each new battle, we are forged and sharpened into what we must become for the fight ahead. What we have built is only the beginning, a symbol of what we could achieve of who we are and our great purpose here. But the day May come when we will be tested when all we hold dear is threatened. And Then we will see what each of us is truly made of.

As he finished his speech everyone never expected a speech like that from someone unknown. Ruby was all giddy after hearing his heroic speech. To her it's like in a fairytale. Weiss and Blake truly admired his speech thinking they are the key to bring peace to the world. Pyrrha was more happy to know that someone with more leadership skills and someone who spoke like that is going to be her leader instead of her. She now idolized him as a heroic figure and in the back of her mind her future husband.

Ozpin: Now that's a speech I expected from you Mr. Arc. Now head to the arena so we can see what you are made of.

Zavala: Yes sir.

To be continued.

Cayde: Oh come on Zavala stay on your own book!

Zavala: Until it is created I'm here for the time being.

Cayde: Ugh!

The Exo Hunter reincarnated into an ArcWhere stories live. Discover now