Cayde: Lets Break some heads!

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Mount Glemm

White fang1: Hey you hear that?

WF2: I don't know maybe it's just you farting!

WF1: Hey I have a bladder controller problem!

WF2: since when that has to do with bladder control?

Soon in the dark they see a red glow light come out of the shadows soon to be revealed as a vex goblin.

WF1: What's that a new Atlas robot?

WF2: I don't think so, it looks far too old to be one.

Then it open fire killing them both instantly, soon more vex came out now showing in the far distance another giant Vex portal has opened. A Vex invasion is imminent and not Salam or Ozpin could stop it but for Cayde... maybe.

Cayde's POV

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Cayde's POV

Welp we've just finished watching team RWBY aka my new girlfriends including Pyrrha, "I know right." and are now walking around the festival looking for them to congratulate on their victory. Then when I see them all at a food stand all looking quite sad and upon hearing that Snow Whites's card has been declined my partner/ Girlfriend decided to help.

Blake: Noooo

Pyrrha: Maybe I could help.

Ruby: Pyrrha!!!

Yang: Awe you don't have to.

Blake: But she could!

Pyrrha: Well, I think you all earned it after that battle.

Me: Mind if we join you?

Yang: Sure thing Robo lover.

Me: Hehe I like that my little dragon.

Yang: *blush* Awe.

Ruby: Hey what about me!

Blake/Weiss: And Me!

Me: Ok ok I'll give you nicknames we later today promise but for now let's eat.

Everyone: Yeah!!!

Mini time skip

Ren: Are you sure it's wise to have eaten before a fight?

Me: Sucks for you guys I'm fine.

Nora: You and your perk on being a guardian.

Me: Heh jealous much?

Nora: Who wouldn't be jealous! You're powerful, immortal, and you have these abilities we could ever dreamed of!

Me: Well maybe one day if some a shard of the traveler somehow ends up here, you might be one of us.

Nora: Hmph.

Me: and Ren, if you're feeling sick be sure to aim it at the opposite team.

Nora: Oooo good plan Fearless leader.

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