Zavala: What is this... where am i?

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Ozpin's Office

Cayde: Man it's good to be back to my normal self again right Rubes?

Ruby: I mean... you look different but you're still you.

Cayde: You got that right.

Ruby: Sooooo this is what you really look like in person? May need some time getting used to you now looking like that.

Cayde: True I did miss the blonde hair.

Just then the door to the stairs opened up revealing Pyrrha out of breath with her weapons ready.

Pyrrha: Cayde *gasp for air* I am here.

Cayde: Hey Pry look, I'm back to my normal self!

Pyrrha: *huff* Huh?

The moment the looks up she now sees Cayde now back to his Exo body. She slowly rise up surprised to see Cayde with a new look.

Pyrrha: Cayde is that you?

Cayde: The one and only.

Pyrrha: But how?

Cayde: Maybe when Cinder turn me into ash she might have reset my body back to normal or something, I don't know and I don't care.

Pyrrha: Well this is... overwhelming. But for now let's clear out the remaining Grimm in the area.

Ruby/ Cayde: Right!


Right now it was only Adam who's barely standing now all alone while both Mercury and Emerald left to recover Cinder. Even both Ren, Nora, Blake, and Yang are exhausted from the duel but soon they were surrounded by White Fang grunts guns pointed at them.

Adam: This ends here for good.

Yang: Tch.

Adam: Now my beloved Blake, do me a favor and die.

Just as they were about to fire a purple orb soon landed in the middle of them soon tethering the white fang grunts and Adam in the process unable to move or fire their weapons.

Adam: What?!

Cayde: Sorry I'm late.

They all look to see Cayde but different do to his old body return including his voice which they didn't recognize except for Nora.

Nora: Fearless leader?

Cayde: Hey ginger. Look ask questions later for now let's take out the trash.

Everyone: Right!

As the white fang were still tethered they immediately took them down with ease leaving only Adam all alone trying his best to move. Soon Blake walked up to him with pity on her face.

Blake: It's over Adam. Give up.

Adam: No. Never. I'll won't stop till all humans have paid for what they done!


Blake then turns around to see Cayde firing his Ace killing Adam by a headshot.

Cayde: Then you are too far gone.

Blake: Was that really necessary?

Cayde: You are too much of a hypocrite for you own good you know that.

Blake: I am not!

Yang: Weeellll....

Weiss: *cough*

Ruby: *whistles*

Blake: Wha?

Cayde: My point proven. We'll let's wrap this up so I can make myself a sandwich-

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