Cayde: Dance and... love? Wait what?

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Cayde: Stupid thing. OW!


Cayde: Who is it?

Yang: It's me Yang.

Cayde: Come in!

Yang: *Opens door* I see that you're almost done.

Cayde: Yeah I just gotta work on a few kinks first. Hey pass me that wrench.

Yang: Sure. So Cayde are you planning on going to the dance this weekend?

Cayde: Maybe, maybe not. I'm not much of a dancer like the other guardians.

Yang: Hmm hmm. So how about I put a little bet on the table.

Cayde: A bet?

Yang: Yeah you know a bet.

Cayde: Hmmm ok. So what is this bet?

Yang: Oh it's easy. A good old fashion drinking game. What do you say?

Cayde:... You're on. So what's the reward?

Yang: If I win you have to go to the dance with us. If you win my team will do whatever you want for a week.

Cayde: Deal!

One hour later

Dozens of bottles lay across the warehouse all empty.  Near the ship both Cayde and Yang are now both drunk off their asses speaking random nonsense to each other.

Yang: *drunk slur* Why won't you just go to the dance with us Huh?

Cayde: *drunk slur* It's because I'm not much of dancer much. Plus I think being at the tower almost all of my days may have gotten to me. But here's my question, why do all of the girls on this planet are so damn hot?

Yang: *drunk slur* I've been thinking the exact same thing. Almost every where I got there's either some girls that are hotter than me or just flat out cute like my sister?

Cayde: *drunk slur* ?????????????? *passes out*

Yang: *passes out*

(A/n: try and get the reference.)

Another hour pass

Sundance: Hey Cayde, Yang wake up. *spawns a bucket of water and dumps it onto them*

Yang: Huh wha? D-did I won?

Cayde: No I won!

Sundance: Sorry Cayde but Yang won this one.

Cayde: Wow I guess I lost.

Yang: Yes that means you have to go to the dance.

Cayde: *sigh* I guess a deals a deal. Well I better get back to fixing this stupid thing.

Yang: Alright. Oh and by the way Cayde. I had a great time. *leaves*

The scenes then changes to Cinder, Mercury, and Emerald in their dorm discussing their next plan.

Emerald: And next is Pyrrha Nikos.

Cinder: Ah the invincible girl.

Mercury: She's smart but not invincible.

Emerald: Said the one who was beaten by a man with a cape.

Mercury: Hey that guy pulled out that thing out of nowhere!

Cinder: And May I ask who are you talking about?

Emerald: Pyrrha Nikos's leader Jaune Arc, also known as Cayde-6.

The Exo Hunter reincarnated into an ArcOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora