Cayde: Let the fun... Commence!

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Ozpin's Office

Ozpin's POV

I was informed from Cayde that the attackers are none other than team CMEN lead by Cinder Fall. She must be the one with the other half. Cayde also said that one of their teammates is his spy and is giving him their plan on attack on Beacon. I've informed James to investigate a hack at the CCT and he was able to find one. We rewrote the hack to Cayde's ghost and now instead of the Atlas droids attacking us they will fight by our side. Also the White Dang will drop off Grimm from the sky so we better stop them before it happens.

Port (intercom): Alright everyone, Now it's time for our next fight!

Oobleck (intercom): That's right! Now it's time to randomize our next fighters to come.

Port (intercom): It looks like our first contender is... Penny Polendina from Atlas vs... Jaune Arc from Beacon.

I just hope Cayde knows what he's doing because once he's done with this round we need him to absorb the Fall Maidens powers.

*Door opens*

Glynda: Ozpin are you sure that Cayde's plan would work?

Me: Cayde has died more than I have and has more experience on the field than my entire life. Even though I'm older he has lived and died over and over fight off enemies that would consider Grimm to be child play. I have my full belief in him.

Glynda: I'm still trying to wrap my head that Cayde is one of these guardians. I mean killing gods, turning them into guns, being immortal! He's a special individual I'll tell you that.

Me: Yes and I believe he's the trump card we need to ending this war once and for all.


Amity arena

Penny: Salutations Jaune Arc. I've heard many things about the famous student of Beacon.

Cayde: And I've heard many good things from you too from Ruby.

Penny: Oh you're a friend of Ruby too? Sensational after this let's i would like to know you more if you like?

Cayde: That would be nice. Let's make a wager.

Penny: Wa-ger

Cayde: A bet. If I win you have to embarrass yourself right here in the arena.

Penny: And if I win?

Cayde: Ramens on me.

Penny: ... deal.

Cayde: Ok then.

Cayde: Let's dance

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Cayde: Let's dance.

Oobleck (intercom): 3...2...1... Begin!

Penny was the first to attack by launching her Blades at Cayde but with his fast reflexes he shot all of them in different directions. Penny's Blade flew in all directions give him a clear shot at her. He fired his Ace at her which did a lot of damage to her aura which is now on 70% while Cayde is still at 100%.

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