Chapter 14

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Bee POV:

We barely made it over the wall.

Blue was right there, waiting for us on top of it with the whole park side of the flock coloring the protective border.

I gotta be honest, I almost dropped out of the sky before Blue flew up to meet us and grabbed Colonel from my frozen hold. I hadn't realized until then that I had actually dug my claws in a bit to support his weight in the air.

Others from the park's flock flew behind Blue and helped the rest of us fly over the high wall. As soon as we were over, we were taken to a small hidden waterfall right by where we had crossed over.

Quick! Lay them down, right here! I heard Blue order others.

By the time I felt the grass touch my scales, I was barely awake and coherent. I distantly heard the unusually stern voice of Blue and the flutter of panicked dragonets rushing around. All my adrenaline reserves were bled dry and the knowledge of reaching safety allowed my body to knock me unconscious.


I didn't come to until hours later when I heard arguing in the general mind link.

I'm telling you, mang-nut will help him. Actually, I'm pretty sure it could help all of them. All I need to do is go and get it.

And I already told you, you are one of the only five medically trained dragonets that we have here and right now we need every single one of you. You're not going. Sounded the familiar voice of the blue-scaled Guardian. Besides, I was the only one capable of cracking one open, or have you forgotten that?

The male dragonet voice that had been arguing with Blue mumbled something I couldn't quite hear.

Look, I was just a simple EMT trainee and sometimes took some volunteer shifts at the hospital's ER. I can barely wrap a bandage! I'm useless at it, absolute cr*p actually!

What are you arguing about? Again. I weakly said. I slowly opened my blurry eyes, only seeing foggy figures of blue mixed with black and a smaller mass of silver.

Bee! You're awake! You have no idea how happy I am to see you! Blue cheered at the same time the other voice asked his own questions.

How are you feeling? Any dizziness? Nausea? Hang on, I'mma get you some water real quick. And like that, the silver blur ran away.

Believe me, I have some idea. I quietly answered, saddened as I sat up and rubbed my eyes clear of filth. I slightly winced from the pain at my side and face.

Ooh, you little buzzer, come here. Blue gently pulled me into a warm hug, being mindful of my wounds.

Blue might have been the one who liked to talk, but affection and comfort had always been physical acts for him.

I leaned into his embrace and felt my heart squeeze tightly with the horrible sadness and guilt that wanted to flood it alongside my eyes. My eyes were tearing up quick, but I held them off for dear life, remembering that there was a reason that caused all the dragonets to still look stressed out of their minds like we were back behind the wall, almost sick with worry.

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