Chapter 13

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Narrator POV:

There are days when it seems that nothing goes right and you get so frustrated over it that it feels like you wanna go cry under a blanket with a tub of ice cream and ignore the whole world around you.

Sometimes, you look back on those days and you just want to laugh at your younger self, for in time you have learned to deal with things far worse than what you remember the problems of the past being.

That was not one of those days.

Nothing felt worse for the remaining dragonets from the wild flock than the day they had to return.

Blue! Bee mind-linked, exhausted and barely in-flight.

Hey, Little Buzzer! How's it going? Haven't heard from either of you since last night?

Help... Bee weakly breathed, keeping a tight hold of the unconscious Colonel.

She was flying right above him, keeping his wings open so that he would half glide, easing the weight she had to carry. She spared a glance back, seeing the other dragonets following.

Blue, hearing the weight behind her words, immediately turned serious. Where are you?

Meet us at the wall. The same place we left from.

Us? Bee what's going on? Blue gestured for a few dragonets from the park's flock to follow him and took off towards the place Bee had told him to meet at.

Please... just hurry.

——Warning: slight gore——


// There were left three bloodthirsty two-headed creatures that Bee and Colonel later learned were called houn'twu. Bee was pinned under the one she had met in the forest, trying to avoid getting her head bit off by the furious beast.

Another one was ripping into the dragonets that were even just a blink too slow in getting far enough away to keep their lives intact.

Colonel had taken the third one all to himself, but their battle was turning more one-sided as it had been the creature's mate that Bee had killed and it was more interested in helping dismember the black and yellow dragonet than go after the one that had been starting to slightly overpower it.

Bee was narrowly avoiding the teeth that were flying her way by the two heads above her. The burning daggers grazed her left cheek, cutting open her flesh and burning shut the scales from under her eye all the way to her jaw joint.

In pain and panic, she hissed the way a snake would and buried her teeth deep in the houn'twu's left front leg, which was the one that was holding her down. She realized her teeth went in further than they should have been able to.

Through the burn that the fur caused in her mouth, she could still taste the blood. Bee had surprised the creature who stepped off of her with a startled roar.

She let go of the leg when the beast flicked its paw to get rid of her. She stood up and made herself as big and threatening as possible. That was when Bee realized she had bitten the beast with her snake-like fangs.

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