Chapter 9

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Bee POV:

It did nothing. The light beam passed right over us like a simple flashlight, leaving us unharmed except for the trauma I'm sure some of us got from this experience.

Over the course of the next week, we discovered that the Earth had been completely taken over by the aliens. They were weird in the sense that they were exactly how you would expect the aliens to look, sound and act like. They were smaller than humans, white-skinned, bald with a huge head and abnormally big black eyes. They were exactly how humans had pictured them other than the fact that they had completely wiped out all human life. Even after the humans were gone, they destroyed entire cities just because they could.

The twisted irony was that the last remnants of anything human were buried in the memories of the small dragonets they had tormented. We were their last legacy, and that was something only we would ever know of.

Surprisingly, the second-generation dragonets had a lot of knowledge of them. They knew facts about their species, society and even that they were here illegally. They started calling it the Blood Memories since the new knowledge seemed to come with the new body. We, the first-generation dragonets, the ones with stripes, had more like a strong gut feeling or sixth sense about these things.

While the Blood Memories told them facts about the species, our dragon tingle told us that they were impatient, untrustworthy and disrespectful towards other species from the moment we saw them.

To make it all worse, the aliens brought a lot of foreign wildlife with them: creatures, vegetation and diseases alike. The stakes were higher than ever as we had to learn to survive in the wild that we couldn't even no longer recognize.

We had been on the fly for a while before we found a place to hide out at. It was perfect for a temporary place. There was a river that had paved its way into the earth. The sides were full of small ledges, where with little work any one of us could dig caves and tunnels into, the long moss and grass acting as a sort of doorway.

 The sides were full of small ledges, where with little work any one of us could dig caves and tunnels into, the long moss and grass acting as a sort of doorway

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(Pic. from Pinterest and sadly not mine, credits to the rightful owner)

We figured that the sudden drop, smooth stones and the rushing water underneath would at least be good protection from the bigger predators for the time being.

If a carnivore wanted to get to a dragonet on one of these ledges, it would have had to carefully work towards them, giving anyone with wings more than enough time to fly away and warn the flock. It was also at the edge of a jungle, which meant a sufficient amount of food for 106 little dragonets.

There were only two downsides to this place - for one, not a lot of sunlight got there, so it got quite chilly for the night and the second thing was that Colonel, Blue and I had some trouble fitting on these small stone ridges.

Because of that, we resorted to making a place for all three of us under some big leafed bushes that grew at the top at the very edge. It wasn't the safest option for us, but this way we cloud also keep an eye on everyone, and we would have been the first ones the predators got to if some should have snuck up.

We even came up with a very original name for this place - The Ledges. Amazing, I know.

Although the place was relatively safe, one time we did get attacked by a flock of flying alien creatures called Tulkay that reminded me of a pteranodon. Supposedly they ate mostly fish and birds.

(This pic

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(This pic. I can take the credit for, though it was made in WOMBO Dream )

Seemed like we reminded them of a perfect mix of the two because they were pretty determined to get a bite of dragonet meat until we discovered that dragonets can breathe fire. All dragonets except for me, Colonel and Blue, which I was quite bummed about.

The white aliens that had invaded us didn't last very long. By the end of the year, karma got to them. Another race of aliens called kymari came and did to the white aliens the same thing that they had done to humans.

The kymari had no tolerance for law-breaking and absolutely no mercy when serving justice. The kymari were ruthless to other intelligent species unless they had some kind of allegiance going on with them. That's why we had to pretend to be normal animals around them.

The kymari was a strong and powerful species with a rich history and a thriving economy. They had no poor or homeless people, the crime rate was zero and everybody had a part to play in their society.

Luckily for us, they were very respectful towards nature, building big parks in their widely spread out cities that were walled in. They wiped out everything that had anything to do with humans and the white aliens, creating their own cities with their bit unusual architecture. They had no corners.

All the buildings were wibbly-wobbly rounded up like they had childproofed everything they could think of. Even I had to admit, it was refreshing and weirdly enough stress reducing sight looking from far away.

Physically the kymari weren't too different from humans, though they were 10 feet tall, green-skinned, and with black hair strands thick as straws. And of course, as a warrior race, every single one of them was fighting fit, but not over the top bodybuilder kind, just fit ready to fight while asleep kind.

The kymari might have been the absolute worst nightmare to their enemies, but they made the sweetest families and were the most loyal and patient people any of us had ever met.

The kymari was also one of the species that mated for life, which was centuries long by the way, and if their partner died they would stay a single widow for the rest of their lives. Except for some rare cases where the females find another partner if their's have died still young and literal centuries of mourning have passed.

Even if we kept far away from them, it was simply heartwarming to see them show affection to their loved ones. Although, it also caused another worry for us. They were already very protective of their mates, but to say they were overprotective of their children would be like saying that the ocean might be moist.

Coyotes went extinct because one of them stalked a child in the park and the mother saw that, resulting in the mother killing the coyote and every kymari went on a witch-hunt for the coyotes. It took only three days in total to get every single one of them from all over the Earth. One coyote had to do one single mistake in order to doom all his kind.

Yeah, we were a little worried.

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