Before the battle of faith

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3rd POV

A truck full of bliss sat smoking in a ditch the head lights shot out holes in the hood windshield broken as glass littered the seat and lap of a man slumped over the steering wheel. His body was full of 5.56 bullet holes as blood dripped from the wound. As then man was bleeding another man walked by the truck and tossed a green object threw the shot out windshield the object was a hand grenade that destroyed the truck in a ball of flame. The person that threw the grenade was non other than Y/N a militia spec ops soldier with a new arsenal he had his M17 in his holster SR-25 and crossbow on his back as he had his black market M249 LMG the guns he took from his home and the silver fang knife on his belt.

Y/N: That was the last drug truck running around the henbane river.

He said walking down the road he was out alone this time doing one man ambushes on trucks as everyone was back at the prison. He was tasked with this mission and was determined to see it threw and he did unfortunately that caught a certain someone's attention.

Y/N: I wonder what faith is doing?

He asked himself as bliss dust entered his vision.

Y/N: well I'm about to find out.

He added falling to the ground as his vision went white. Suddenly faith appeared from the bliss as she got way to close to his face so close she had to tilt her head to the side as she blew bliss into hismouth and almost directly into his lungs.

Faith: Welcome to the bliss.

She said fading into the bliss again.


Once the bliss dispersed I looked around and found faith with her back turned to me.

Y/N: Faith.

I called out as I ran up to her.

Faith: I tried.

She said making me confused.

Faith: I tried to be nice.

She said turning around to see white eyes.

Faith: Yet you run here and there fighting the fathers word and destroying all that we have built.

She said.

Y/N: Faith snap out of this joseph is using you.

I said but she didn't react.

Faith: So lets see how you like it.

She said as the scene changed to the prison control room where Weiss and Koneko are playing cards. Faith walked up to Weiss, getting close to her head hand on the same hand Weiss had near her pistol.

Faith: If violence is the language you chose to speak.

Weiss: If violence is the language you chose to speak.

They said making Koneko confused.

Koneko(confused): I'm sorry?

Mina asked not knowing Weiss was controlled by faith.

Faith: then let me speak your language.

Weiss: than let me speak your language.

They said as Weiss(faith) pulled out her gun and shot Koneko in her chest. I tried to stop Weiss as she got up and walked to the control panel but faith stopped me.

Faith: You brought this on yourself.

She said as Weiss opened the cells and main gate.

Ruby: Hey who's opening the cells?

Akame: Someone opened the maingate.

Mina: Shit the peggies are getting inside.

I heard as Weiss turned to me.

Weiss: I told you I don't want to leave.

She said putting the pistol under her chin and pulled the trigger sending blood bone and grey matter out the back of her head. As Weiss died the bliss consumed me again pulling me out of faiths world making me wake up to see the prison.

Jess: Shit the peggies taken Akeno and taken the prison. Y/N where the hell are you?

Jess said, I approached the prison as I screwed a suppressor onto my SR-25 before scaling the wall. The first person I saw was a peggy sharpshooter. Aiming I added a new hole to hear by to the side of his head killing him instantly before I took his position. When I did I saw another sharp shooter on the prison building aiming threw my scope I saw he was trying to stay awake.

Y/N: Nighty night.

I said squeezing the trigger putting a bullet right in his ear taking the other side of his face off with a .308. after killing the sharpshooter I got onto the roof only to see Faith by the vent.

Faith: all this bl-

I shut her up by shooting her bliss image before crawling into the vent and enter the prison. Inside I took in my surroundings to see eight peggies in the prison and two hostages tied up in the room and Grace tied up outside the door. Seeing on the catwalk I was on I snuck up behind him and snapped his neck not alerting anyone. Using the canted red dot I aimed the at one of the peggies on the catwalk and squeezed the trigger as his brains painted the wall in the other side of him. Shifting aim I fired two shots into the second ones chest killing him and getting the others attention. Now with returning fire I had to be carful about my shots since there were hostages in the room. I let go of my SR-25 and brought up my M249 and started firing in short burst I killed one trying to climb the second floor with a head shot before taking cover. We keep traded shots for several minutes until I but a six round burst into the last ones chest. Once the area was clear I walked to everyone of them and put a 9mm in each ones head but on one I saw a set of keys on them.

Y/N: These probably go to the door.

I said taking the keys and shooting him in the head. Unlocking the door I cut the restraints on Grace freeing her before we entered the control room to see Koneko dead from a gunshot wound to the chest and Weiss dead from an apparent suicide. Seeing Koneko dead Grace crattled her in her arms.

Grace: How could this have happened?

She holding the dead girl.

Y/N: Joseph did something to her she wasn't acting like she normally did. I think who we are dealing isn't my sister but Josephs ideal Faith.

Grace: You get her Y/N if you can't save her kill her she can't get away with this.

Grace said.

Y/N: I plan to.

I said.

Y/N: "I just hope I can save her."

Is what I thought as I exited the control room when I did I reloaded all the rounds I expended today. Standing in front of the door I knew what was about to happen I was going to fight Faith and I didn't know if I could save her. With a deep breath I exited the prison as Bliss over took me again.

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