hurk's Past and Rampage

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Hurk's POV

Driving down the road a rocket launcher a SMG-11 ammo and the last of the old number 7 on a plan to die and take as many peggy's with me. I already killed 20 peggy's already but had many more to kill. Drinking from the bottle I remembered finding Sharky's body.

Flash Back

Hurk's POV

We finally made it to the place the helicopter crashed and were looking around.

Jess: Hey over here.

Jess called out making us go over to see the destroyed helicopter with a few bodies lying around them. Not caring for the kids after what they did to my friend I continued on finding Cardin hanging upside down on a tree before I saw it.

Hurk: No.

I said there in front of me was sharky shot to hell strung up on a tree. Tears ran down my facs as I fell to my knees.


I screamed getting the others attention making them come over.

Izuku: Oh god.

He said seeing the inhumane way the peggy's treated us.

Hurk: "There going to pay they all will pay."

Flash Back end

Noticing a few militia members engaged in a fire fight with peggy's I stopped opened the door and fired a rocket blowing up the truck before machine gun fire blew out the windshield and engine block as a bullet imbedded itself into my side. I hit the ground crawling to the engine block I reloaded my Rat-4 before I popped up and fired killing the peggy.

???: Thanks man.

A militia member said.

Hurk: No problem.

I said as I noticed the engine block was destroyed. I sighed and started to walk as I heard the other milita members

???: Is that hurk?

???: Yeah it is.

???: Damn drunk.

???: Saved by a damn failure how embarasing.

I heard but I keep going trying to ignore them. Heading off the road I came across a river I meet my first friend. I saw a child me and Sharky running out of the woods were we saw this kid with a bow and arrow.

Kid Hurk: Hey what are you doing out here?

???: Oh I'm target practicing what are you to doing.

Victor: Me and my cousin Hurk here are trying to get away from his dad.

???: What does he do to make you want to run away.

Kid Hurk: He tell me and Victor were fuck ups whatever that means along with making us feel worthless all the time.

Kid me said.

???: That's terrible why not tell your friends parents?

Kid Hurk: Were all we got.

Kid me said shocking the kid.

???: Oh well we can be friends I'm Y/N.

Kid Hurk: Hurk Junior

Victor: Victor Boshaw

Y/N: hhhmmmm How about sharky.

Victor(confused): Sharky?

Victor asked confused.

Y/N: Yeah sharky from your shark hoodie.

I smiled at the memory of me and Sharky getting a real friend we would play everyday and get into trouble. But all things come to an end as Y/N left for union and Sharky got arrested leaving me alone again. With no one I turned to the bottle and partying to hide my pain but only made me forget temporarily back at the main road I saw a peggy truck driving by. Leveling my RAT-4 I aimed for the driver side head light and pulled the trigger blowing up the truck killing the peggy's in the truck before heading down the road before seeing another hallucination. Now in front of me I saw me being yelled at by my dad Hurk senior.

Hurk SR.: You fuck up you lost my damn truck after I put a roof over your head.

He said hitting me with his hat.

Hurk SR.: I knew I should have left you with your mother after the divorce you no good screw up of a son. Your sleeping outside until you can get my truck back.

He said, in a fit of drunken rage I fired my rocket blowing up a tree.

Hurk: Fuck you, you abusive can't raise a son piece of shit and the whore you had me with.

I said as I knew neither of them really loved me only tolerated me leaving me to suffer from there stupidity. Soon I saw the hot spring hotel in response I put a fresh shell into my rocket launcher before closing the hatch.

Hurk: Lets clear it out.

I said engaging in a fire fight with the peggy's charging in I fired a rocket at what looked like six peggy's peggy's talking killing four and wounding two.

Peggy: were under attack! I'm going for the alarm!

A peggy said in a left-handed draw I raised my SMG-11 and gunned down the peggy heading towards the alarm. I had no time to reload my RAT-4 and my strength was fading from the blood loss so I dropped the launcher relying on my SMG to survive. Switching to my right hand I dove behind a truck using it for cover before I dropped the empty mag and rammed home a fresh one and racking the slide. For five minutes I was in the gun fight unaware the peggy I wounded slowly made it's way over to the alarm until the alarm blared. I shot the peggy that triggered the alarm but it was to late.

Peggy(comms): Were on our way.

I heard over the radio as a grenade landed by me.

Hurk: Oh shit.

I said trying to get away but before I could get far enough away the grenade exploded wounding me greatly. I tried to stand again as more peggy's approached me I rised my SMG seeing it shake greatly. I pulled the trigger but it didn't fire as the Peggy's fired ten rounds off 5.56 and eight 7.62x51 hitting my chest. Hitting the ground I felt the last bit of strength leave me.

Look like this is it after all that's happened, here I am lying on the cold ground.

Hurk: "The militia would probably be better without me anyway maybe my dad was right I am a disgrace."

In that moment saw my parents my mom storming out as I watched from my bedroom the disappointed look my dad gave me. Finding my cousin sharky dead stung up on a post. All the things that made me want this to want to die. In that moment I saw my life meeting Y/N him recruiting me to fight the peggy's the people we met the laughs and the cries even the promise to see this war through to the end.

Hurk: "I'm sorry old friend looks like I won't be seeing the end of this after all."

I thought as tears rolled down my face. Laying my head to my side I saw the Peggy's reinforcements pull up. Suddenly a arrow flew from the wood impacting the truck causing it to explode as Y/N and a few union students came out of the woods laying waste to the peggy's and the reinforcements. Y/N ran to me bow in one hand his pistol firing in the other, he dragged me to cover and started to render aid to me.

Y/N: Come on hurk stay with me.

He said putting gauze on my wounds as I grabbed his arm.

Hurk: I'm sorry Y/N looks like I'm not going to make it.

Y/N: Don't say that I already lost Sharky I'm not losing you too.

He said before calling for help as the girl with cat ears helped him.

Hurk: I'm sorry Y/N. I'm sorry.

I said loosing strength to keep ahold to his arm as my head listed to my side as I heard his voice.

Y/N: Hurk. Hurk! Hurk!!

I heard as everything slowly went black.

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