taking a outpost

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Opening my eyes all I heard was the beeping of the heart monitor as I regained my bearings. In doing so I was meet with the sight of Hurk on a makeshift hospital bed hooked up to life support. We were able to save him from his suicide mission, but he was badly wounded and was placed in a coma.

Y/N: Damn it why didn't I see the signs.

I said to myself getting up I wanted to stay but as long as the cult was around I could never stop. Walking into the cell block I saw Akeno sitting a table with her head down. I walked closer to wake her and see what it is I can do but I heard some disturbing words.

Akeno: Oh Y/N not there.

I heard her say in response I grabbed the biggest book I could fine planning on dropping it to wake her up. fortunately, I "Miscalculated" and it landed on her head waking her up.

Y/N(fake worry): Oh I'm sorry I meant for that to hit the table.

I lied.

Akeno: What do you need Y/N?

Y/N: I was wanting to know if your scouts found any outpost.

I said wanting something to do.

Akeno: Yeah theres a place the peggy's are using to turn people into these angles you call them.

She said I nodded as I turned around only to feel lightning shock my ass.

Y/N: Ow, you asshole.

I said.

Akeno: Payback, I doubt you planed on that book hitting the table.

She replied.

Y/N: Damn S&M whore.

I said under my breath as I left to get my gear. Outside I saw Abigail who ran up to me.

Abigail: I heard about what happened to my son where is he?

She asked, I couldn't control my anger at that moment. A blur was all she saw before seeing stars while staring up at the sky courtesy of my right hook to her now possibly broken jaw.

Y/N: You dare worry about your son after every thing you did to him.

I said as she started to gain some senses after the punch.

Y/N: I almost didn't save your ass at first it was your son Hurk who begged me to save you and your precious marina even after you left him with that bastard you call his father. Hurk even took three bullets three and all you could say was you were his mom and didn't want to know what he was up to. But that's not all after everything you were more worried about that damn chopper that your wounded son.

I walked away after my outburst.

Izuku: Hey where are you going.

Y/N: Eden's covenant it needs taking.

I said as Yang ran up next to me walking next to me.

Yang: I'm coming to you could use the help.

She said and I wasn't in the mood to argue so I just let her some along. It was after an hour that we took a knee and scouted the perimeter seeing a cult VIP a cultist that's tougher than the others and six cultist and a angle.

Y/N: Stay down and watch.

Yang: Why I can help.

She protested.

Y/N: I work better alone.

I said heading towards the rock wall and set up for a shot. The first peggy I saw was near the mounted .50 so my first shot would have to kill him. Setting the cross hairs on his forehead I squeezed the trigger blowing his head off, as his body hit the ground my next shot hit the only alarm so they could not call reinforcements. The two shots got the peggy's attention and headed towards my position so in a low crawl I moved position to where I was to the right of them. The VIP was on the .50 so I took aim settling the crosshairs on her throat then Faith appeared.

Faith: Are you really going to shoot her?

She asked so I pulled out a long blonde wig and put it on.

Y/N: It's ok I identify as a woman today.

I said then pulled the trigger killing the VIP four peggy's the next was a peggy at the bottom of the rock I shot from. He then got a bullet to the chest killing him and proceeded to shot and move for a few hours.

Yang's POV

I watched Y/N snipe the people in the outpost like a trained marks man not missing a shot.

Yang: and people bullied this guy.

I said glad he didn't turn to the villains or he could take us out with out a problem.

???: A surprise huh.

I heard behind me turning I saw Y/N's sister, Faith.

Yang: What are you doing here?

I asked getting into a fighting stance.

Faith: I'm not this is what I can do with the bliss make a copy of myself.

She said.

Faith: So you're his ex classmate?

Yang: I am we were friends back at union.

Faith: good but just so you know.

She then took on a murderous look.

Faith: If I find out you hurt him I'm sending every angles in hope county to rip you limb from limb.

She said in a sweet tone but murderous intentions underneath as she disappeared.

Yang: "Is it me or is she the very over protective sister."

I thought as Y/N contacted me over the radio.

Y/N: Hey I'm heading into the outpost.

He said going into the outpost as I grabbed my shotgun and went into the church. I just entered the church when Y/n walked in. once in the church we heard a scream a angle charged Y/N and everything slowed. I raised my gun and pulled the trigger driving the stock into my shoulder as the angle fell at Y/N's feet.

Y/N: Huh thanks Yang.

I said as he pulled out the radio to tell the militia it's clear.


I watched as the Militia set up shop at Eden's covenant I was standing on a hill looking over the church. Suddenly stars started to come into my vision as I felt weak.

Y/N: "Oh shit."

I thought as I hit the ground my vision going white and Faith appearing blowing bliss into my face but something was different here.

Y/N: "Is it me or was she closer than last time."

I thought as I entered the bliss.

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