past troubles

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3rd POV

After taking Edens covenant Yang, Jess and Blake were standing at the entrance of the outpost talking. Suddenly a car pulled up and Ochaco stepped out her broken arm good as new as she approached the three.

Jess: Hey Ochaco I see your arm is fixed.

Ochako: Yeah there was a doc that healed me in no time.

She said moving the arm that Y/N broke.

Ochaco: So where's Y/n I haven't seen him since we celebrated Johns death.

Blake: Now that you mention it I haven't seen him.

Yang: He was here when he liberated the place.

They said when they then took on a frustrated look.

Yang: Faith.

Jess: Yep.

Blake: And she.

Jess: Yep lets go find him.

Yang: Can he go a week with out getting caught by peggy's?

Ochako: Knowing him no.

Ochako said as they all fanned out looking for their friend.


My eyes shot open looking at a white sky while laying in a field the last thing I remembered was looking at the new out post and Faith capturing me. Suddenly the white sky turned dark as little lights doted the darkness the air once warm became chilled.

Faith: It's beautiful isn't it?

I heard looking to my left I saw Faith laying next to me.

Y/N: Why am I here faith? Want me to join the peggy's.

I said looking at the artificial night sky.

Faith: You could say that.

She said.

Y/N: Tell me Faith why did you join them?

I asked not ready for the answer I got.

Faith: After you left I had no one mom was abusive once you were out of the picture and my friends started to bully me. I had to defend myself from my boss's son who wanted to do things to me and was fired for it. No one was there for me you were gone and everyone hated me.

She said tears starting to form. I was now angry not only at myself but this whole damn town the boss my mom everyone.

Faith: It got so bad I ended up relapsing and almost overdosed.

My heart dropped when I heard the word relapse and overdose. I instictavely brought her into a hug to calm her down as she sobbed into my chest.

Faith: it was only then did the father save me gave me a prupose another reason to live.

She said calming down but the work another reason stuck out.

Y/N: What was the other.

Faith: You.

She said bringing her face closer to mine. I tried to move my head back but it was not responding.

Y/N: "Come on you damn body move."

I thought seeing her face draw near but suddenly the bliss dispersed and I was out of the bliss.

Faiths POV

Faith(angry): I was so close damn it.

I said punching the wall. I had him right where I wanted him and he broke out of my bliss.

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