Needing a save

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Yang's POV

The truck hit another bump as the small white van drove down the road. You see Union got a distress call from a place call hope county where a militant cult are kidnapping and killing people. After landing we split up my team was consisting of Issei Bakugo and Momo. I wanted to deture to see my Ex-class mate Y/N but we were ambushed by the cult and placed in a van to be taken some were.

Yang: "Y/N were are you?"

I thought as Issei started to speak up.

Issei: So how did you guys get those sexy women in your cult?

He asked in a perverted grin. The guard in the van looked at him unamused.

Cult guard: John is going to enjoy cleansing you of your sin sinner.

Momo: How is going to cleans him other than fire I mean?

Cult guard: John will make you confess your sin the you will wear your sin on your flesh for the world to see before he peals it off of you.

We were scared an discusted to hear how this John guy will basecly skin us alive over something we did.

Cult guard: Its really beautiful.

Yang: "Please someone anyone help us."

I thought looking out the small hole in the front where a white truck lead the van on top of the truck a machine gun was mounted on top while a guy stood on the back the same as the truck behind us. Suddenly fire erupted out from under the truck lifting it up off the ground the guy in the back was thrown out landing on the hard pavement before the truck he was standing on landed on him killing him. Both the van and truck behind up stopped as the glass on the passenger side emploded and the drivers head exploded painting the inside of the cab red with his blood. The occupants in the truck behind us exited besides the girl in the back who started to fire the gun before it also exploded. After a while of listening to gun fire screams and some roars it all stopped as the guard pulled the thing on the back of his gun back and kicked the door open. He jumped out and raised his gun but  before he could pull the trigger a knife got lodged in his neck. Hearing the man choke on his own blood made me want the gun fire back as those gurgles would haunt me until I die looking at the others I could tell they felt the same. Soon a man walked in front of the door and shot the man with a handgun before looking at us. Seeing the man he had two rifles in his back a black shirt under a light brown ballistic vest stone colored pants with grey gloves with a hat to top it off and hid his face with a red bandana.

 Seeing the man he had two rifles in his back a black shirt under a light brown ballistic vest stone colored pants with grey gloves with a hat to top it off and hid his face with a red bandana

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(a/n: Imagine he had a red bandana on his face.)

???: Damn it had to be you guys.


We laid in wait for a peggy convoy that was said to have a group of union students. Pastors Jerome's orders were to free the prisoners and bring them back to falls end in hopes of convincing them. I didn't like it after they turned their backs on me after the accusations I was lucky to get released on a technicality and move back to hope county.

Hurk: Where that convoy man I feel like I'm going to piss my pants.

Hurk said he was one of the hired guns I brought along for the armored trucks the other was Grace Armstrong a sniper

Y/N: It shouldn't be long now just remember don't hit the van.

I told him as I looked through the scope on my SA-50 to see a bear in the tree line. It didn't concern me for I knew the bear there was the celebrity cheeseburger a bear that would direct some of the fire. After half an hour the sounds of a truck reached my ears.

Y/N: Show time.

I said grabbing the detonator for the C4 on the road. Tracking the truck with my rifle I waited until he was about over the bomb before clicking the detonator. The explosion pushed the truck off the ground flipping it over killing the occupants. Immediately I took aim and shot the driver to immobilize the van. The occupants exited the truck but were attacked by cheese burger and Grace tearing into them. The gunner opened up trying to kill me but I ducked under the tree I set up behind as the bullets impacted the wood.

Y/N: Hurk hit the truck.

I yelled into the comms a millisecond before the truck exploded. Looking over the area I was cheeseburger and grace had taken care of the dismounts making the area safe to secure. Walking down Cheeseburger decided to head back into the wood line. Suddenly the door in the back of the van burst open as a peggy jumped out but I quickly pull my throwing knife out and tossed it into the mans neck.  After dropping him I approached the van shooting the man in the head before I looked in the van to see my two bullies my ex-crush and ex friend in the back.

Y/N: Damn, it had to be you guys.

I said taking out a grenade and pulling the pin I would have tossed it in the van but Grace grabbed my arm.

Grace: Paster Jerome wanted the prisoners freed not dead.

Y/N: You don't know these people like I do they are worst than the peggys.

Grace: But what would Jess think if she found out you killed the people who could help us?

Thinking about it I sighed putting the pin back in the grenade.

Y/N: Fine but don't expect me to trust them so easily as you do.

I said walking to where I parked my truck.

Time skip.

After arriving at the church I jumped out AR-C in hand incase the chosen showed up as they where hunting me for Johns sick games. Inside the church I saw five more Union students but no teachers.

Y/N: Great more trouble makers how many of you came here anyway.

Ruby: As far as I know Me Mina Mine Izuku Shoto and Blake.

She said in a sad town.

Jerome: What happened out there?

Pastor Jerome asked as he hasn't questioned them yet.

Ruby: We arrived with 100 students and teachers but we were attacked they killed several of us before we managed to escape. I saw a few others run but as far as I know they could be dead.

She said curling up into a ball.

Y/N: Well I got some good news.

I said moving out of the way of the door where Yang walked through.

Ruby(excited): Yang!

She said crashing into her as she embraced her sister. That was when someone behind me did the same minus the crash into me part.

???: Seams like even the heros of the future aren't any match for the peggys.

A feminine voice said I immediately knew it was Jess so I placed a comforting hand on her arm.

Y/N: They got cocky and underestimated a few mountain men with guns and a home field advantage.

Momo: I have to agree with you we thought we had a fighting chance but god we were wrong.

Y/N: Welcome to the real-world hero now you know what it feels like to be power less as someone takes what they want from you.

I said swoping out my AR-C for my compound bow.

Momo: Wow I thought knowing some innocent kids being kill you would be a bit more sympathetic.

She said as I blatantly called her and her classmates weak.

Y/N: Sweet heart if you want sympathy it in the dictionary between shit and syphilis.

I said walking out of the church.

Issei: Hey where are you going?

Y/N: Hunting I'll let pastor Jerome fill you in on what's going on.

I said as I walked across the open field looking for something to shoot.

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