the widow maker

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In the church everyone who survived were done catching up on what happened.

Izuku: So this group is called project at eden's gate or peggys for short.

Jerome: Yes they are a militant cult that's lead my the seeds and are kidnaping our people and supplies.

Mina: And that guy what's his problem anyway I mean he saves you then tries to kill you what's up with that?

Jess: I can't blame him I mean if my class betrayed me over a fake crime without evidence I would want to kill you to.

Jess said wrapping a cloth dipped in lighter fluid around a arrow to make a incendiary arrow.

Mine: What do you mean we don't know that guy.

Jerome: Does Y/N ring a bell.

Yang(shocked): Wait your saying that guy that saved us was Y/N?

Yang asked not wanting to believe that a friend of hers was going to kill her.

Jerome: It was he actually leads most missions we have and freed several people.

Jess: He basically became a hero to us.

She said.

Mina: Who are you?

She asked the archer.

Jess: Names Jess Black.

She said when the radio came to life.

Peggy: Some one made off with the widow maker.

A cultist said as a booming noise was heard and a few explosions.


After hunting for a few hours I figured it was time to get the widow maker so I made my way to the grain elevator where about eight peggys were. Switching to my SA-50 I stalked low moving across the street where I saw one man on the other side of the grain elevator and one on the other side of the garage so I placed the stock to my shoulder and raised my rifle. Aiming at the Peggy behind the grain elevator I squeezed the trigger taking his head off before shifting aim and doing the same to the guy behind the garage killing him as the other six were oblivious to their friends death. My next target was a girl at the farthest end of the place when she dropped that got two peggys attention as they walked over to investigate. Taking this opportunity I ran in switching up my SA-50 for my AR-C my first target was a cult VIP behind a 50. Cal MG but a burst from my assault rifle dropped him taking the hardest out of the aquation. The other peggys looking around now figuring out they are under attack spotted me as I pulled back the slide on the .50.

Y/N: Surprise Mother fuckers.

I said pressing the paddles down making the .50 boom sweeping from left to right the first two took some heavy lead killing them while the last two ran for cover. One of the peggys made it to cover but the other one wasn't so lucky as the first five took his feet off the ground and the last ten punched quarter size holes in him killing him as the barrel over heated forcing me to stop. Taking this opertinuty the last peggy threw a molotov over the truck seeing head right towards me I let go of the MG and dove out of the way rolling once stopping with my AR-C in hands. The Peggy moved out of cover taking a knee and fired but was killed with a volley of 5.56 nato round. After the last guy I didn't move waiting and listening for more hostels.

Y/N: *sigh* Look like no reinforcements were called.

I said standing but pain shot through my leg making me grit my teeth. Looking down I saw a hole in my leg meaning that peggy bastard got a hit on me.

Y/N: Damn it the girls are going to kill me.

I said using a cloth I ripped off a Peggy and wrapped it around my gun shot wound before I searched the area finding the keys to the garage on the table. Inside I saw a blue semi truck with flames painted on it. After opening the door I entered the truck turning the key the engine roared to life as my lips curled into a devilish smile.

Y/N: Oh yeah.

I said stomping on the gas the truck smashed threw the gates as the cult soldiers spoke through the radio.

Cult member: Someone made off with the Widow maker.

They said as Peggys on a four-wheeler turned onto the road so I fired the 50. Cals that were mounted on the front. Driving down the road I fired the mounted .50 and ran through some road blacks suddenly Mary came on the radio.

Mary: Peggy chatter is someone made off with the widow maker so ram it down their fuckin throats. better yet honk every time you do so I know when to cheer.

She said conveniently I was closing in on a road block so I fired up the guns and rammed through it hearing two bumps meaning two peggys went under and making Marys day I honked twice.

3rd POV

Ruby and Yang were out side the spread eagle when a booming crash and explosion rang out followed my two truck honks.

Mary: Wooohoooo get em Y/N!

Mary yelled out making the girls jump.

Yang: Seriously why is that worth yelling about?

Yang asked unaware of Marys request to Y/N.

Mary: Because that honk means Y/N just ran over two of those damn peggys.

She said as another honk was heard making Mary cheer again.

Back to Y/N's POV

While driving I saw a helicopter fly over head I immediately knew it was a peggy chopper cause of the white paint. Looking back I saw a road block with Peggys aiming at me reacting quickly I ducked as the bullets impacted the engine and shattered the windshield. Now unable to see the road I blindly fired the mounted guns swerving a bit to get all the peggys while doing so I felt the impact but the truck keep going so I knew I didn't hit the guard rail or anything to stop this rig. Looking back up I saw a militia truck with two dismounts one had what looked like a RPG in hand the man lifted the RPG and used the rocket to take down the chopper making the peggys loss track of me.

Y/N: "How the hell did I not wreck back there?"

I thought continuing to drive by militia troops who were cheering at the return of the widow maker. Back at falls end I parked the truck by the bar and hopped out only for a pair of arms to wrap around me forcing me to put a hand on the widow maker to steady myself less I get put in the dirt.

Mary: You did it I can't believe it you got the my dads truck back!

She exclaimed as she lets go of the hug.

Jess: so I see not only did you fight the peggys alone again but got shot to.

Jess said behind me making me freeze.

Y/N: "Oh shit."

I thought turning to see Jess and Grace behind me with evil smiles.

Y/N: "If there is a god out there please help."

I thought but suddenly a something impacted my face causing a white mist to cover me.

Y/N: *cough cough* W-what the *cough*

I didn't finish as white stars appeared in my vision. soon peggys drove up when my knees hit the ground.

Grace: Shit were under attack!

Grace yelled firing her rifle before getting to cover the same with the rest Jess tried to grab me but a hell storm of bullets made her retract her hand.

Armored Peggy: Grab the sinner and lets go.

One of the armored ones said as two grunts grabbed my legs and started to drag me as everything went black.

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