the brewery

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Walking through the woods we approached the last cultist outpost in the region with me was Ruby, Mine, Yang and jess.

Y/N: Up a head get low.

I said as we got into a crawl and approached the hill across from the brewery. Once there we pulled out or rather me yang and jess since ruby and grace had scopes as we served the area.

Yang: Hey look at the back of the brewery near the loading docks there are people in other outfits.

She said making me look to see men in black armor and helmets.

She said making me look to see men in black armor and helmets

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Jess: Who are these guys?

Jess asked.

Y/N: I don't know, but with their armor, I doubt your arrows will work. So return to base and tell them what we found.

I ordered as she would be a liability than an asset at this moment.

Jess: roger.

She said crawling away to tell the others what was found. I had Ruby and Mine take positions to provide sniper support as I and Yang snuck up near the outpost. As we got close we hid behind a brick wall as we listened to the group.

Cultist: that's all the bliss for this uprising anton is facing.

SFC(Special Forces captain): so what is Joseph going to do with this girl once you have no more need for the bliss?

We heard making me angry that they were using her.

Cultist: don't know either he'll kill her or sell her to Anton for citizenship in yara.

My blood was boiling from their words.

Yang(whisper): don't do it.

She whispered loading armor-piercing slugs into her shotgun.

SF: my men will probably get good use out of her.

It was at this moment I saw nothing but red. Getting to my feet I opened fire on the group the armored group was safe but the cultist he died from gunshot wounds. Once the mag was out I dropped the empty and put a new one in the mag well as I charged. With the armor I could not aim for center mass but that didn't mind joints were not exposed so with that in mind I shot the first armored guy in the neck at point blank. The only noise he could make was a gurgling sound as he choked on his own blood as I shot the third guy to keep him down but couldn't kill him with that burst. Suddenly the second guy grabbed my AR-C as he did I pulled my SA-50 and blew his leg off from the knee down. The second guy screamed while holding his bloody stump of a leg as I emptied the rest into the third guy before throwing my rifle at him. Jumping onto the ground I picked up the AK-47 and fired a burst into the third guys legs crimpling him while Yang blasted the second guy and the alarm with slugs.

Ruby: Guys everyone's alerted Mine take out the alarm on the roof.

I heard on the comms as rifle fire in the distance was heard. One Peggy on the roof took aim at us from the top of the brewery but was taken out by a 64grain 5.56 severing hit V1 and V2 as he fell due to the energy the bullet delivered. Getting up I grabbed two more dual Mags filled with what I now know are armor-piercing rounds for the AK as we started to fight, Me and Yang in the facility while Ruby and Mine provide sniper fire. During the firefight, someone grabbed the AK-47 by the barrel and pushed it up as a cultist VIP entered my view knife drawn back to stab me in the chest. Thinking quickly I dropped my right arm letting him have the AK while bringing my left arm up and pushing away the knife with my forearm. Soon my right hand found the handle of my 1911 as I drew the gun on instinct and emptied the mag into his chest due to the VIPs being tougher than regular cultists and can take more lead. as the slide locked back I pulled a new mag from my mag pouch while dropping the empty before the round found their home in the grip on my gun.

Y/N: Damn VIPs.

I said picking up my new AK and changing the mag to the one taped to it and continued firing. Finally, on the other end of the brewery, a torcher opened up with his flame thrower making me take cover. Quickly I took out a C4 charge and a detonator to take him out. Tossing the charge I waited a second before clicking the detonator. The charge exploded in front of him the force was enough to not only send him back but the percussion pushed the cartilage of his nose into his brain as flames were pushed back onto him. The flamer burned alive from his own flames as we finally liberated the brewery.

Yang: Finally done.

She said as I turned back and went towards the armored guy as he tried to crawl away.

Y/N: Where do you think you're going you son of a bitch.

I said grabbing the armored bastard and tossing him onto his back. Putting a knee on his chest I pulled my knife and held it to his neck.

Y/N: Tell me who are you and why is joseph working with your boss.

I ordered pressing the blade harder into his neck drawing blood.

Soldier: I'm Not telling you shit.

He said.

Y/N: You every had that kidney stone claw before?

I said making him go pale.

Soldier(panic): Joseph is a underground drug dealer that makes hallucinogens that allow someone to be controlled. The cult is just a cover for his drug operation and the cultist he uses the cultist as ether genuine pigs or cannon fodder. That's all I know I swear now please don't get that claw near me.

He said as I pulled my knife across his throat cutting his jugular and wind pipe allowing blood to flood his lungs and suffocate on his own blood. I now had a lot to process my sister was working for a drug maker and dealer I was a mix of shock and anger. Shock from knowing the truth and anger as a druggy was using my sister to fund his greed.

Yang(shocked): Whoa that was unexpected.

She said to shocked at the twist the same with the others.

Y/N: lets start heading back. The longer I stay here the more I want to burn this place.

I said as we started walking back to the prison.

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