freeing holland valley

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Ochako's POV

After Y/N escaped I was locked in this cell looking at the crucified Kiba and Gasper. John nailed them to a cross and tortured them to death because they were deviled. I was in a corner waiting suddenly the lights went out the emergency lights came on and my cell door opened the peggys look to distracted to notice my door opened so quickly I ran and touched bot of them making then float.

Peggy(confused): What the?

Peggy: Let us down sinner.

They said.

Ochako: Oh I will.

I said picking up a knife one of them dropped. Grabbing one by their long hair I pilled him down and plunged the blade into his throat and watched as he choked on his blood. Pulling the knife out I stabbed him twenty times as a smile curled my lips.

Ochako(crazy): Now I know why toga likes to stab people.

I said putting my fingertips together releasing my quirk making the last peggy hit the ground. Quickly I jumped on her and started stabbing her over and over and over again.

Ochako: Die *stab* die *stab* die *stab*

I said plunging the knife into the peggy until.

???: Ochako!


Raiding the bunker we made out way through killing any peggy we see soon saw ourselves in a control room with another door.

Y/N: Blake Yang go check the other cells make sure they opened.

I said opening the other door only to see steps. Moving on ahead I saw people strung up on almost every wall as a stabbing noise hit my ears. Following the noise I saw a sight I wasn't expecting but should have, Ochaco stabbing a person with a knife.

Y/N: Ochako!

I said she stopped and looked at me a insane look in her eyes as she stood knife still in hand.

Y/N: Ochako put the knife down.

I said but she marched forward knife in a forward grip.

Y/N: Ochako put. The. Knife. Down.

She then lunged at me. Turning my body sideways her knife shot past me. Taking advantage of this I grabbed her wrist holding the knife turned rotated her wrist so the knife was pointing down and her elbow up. I then broung my elbow down breaking her elbow making her drop the knife as I punched her in the face. Hitting the ground I put my knee on her diaphragm making it hard to breath for her as I pinned her only arm over her head.

Y/N: Damn it Ochako it's me Y/N now calm the hell down!

I said as Ochako now realized it was me.

Ochako: Y-Y/N.

She said as I slowly released her.

Ochako: Oh my god Y/N!

She said hugging me with her only arm as she told me what happened while she was in here. Hearing what she's been through my blood was boiling.

Sharky(comms): Hey Y/N we freed all the prisoners and the peggys are falling back into the bunker.

Sharky said over the comms.

Y/N: Any eyes on John?

I asked.

Blake: I saw John running with a black and blonde girl chasing him taking a shot every now and then.

Blake said as I broke the hug with Ochako.

Ochako: Get that bastard.

She said as I ran trying to catch up to John gunning down any Peggys that was in my path not even trying to stop. Seeing the exit I put a fresh mag into the mag well and pressed the bolt release charging the weapon as I passed the thresh hole. Outside I saw the dead guards on the ground and in the middle John Seed holding Leone in a choke hold with a revolver to her head and Akame with a M1A.

Akame(angry): Let her go you sick bastard.

Akame said as I walked up beside her gun at low ready.

John: Drop you guns or I'll kill this sinner.

He said as headlights were seen in the distance as Peggy trucks topped the hill causing John to turn his head around. Until a bomb and heavy MG fire from Nick and Adelaide dropping Johns hope. I dropped it even more shooting the gun out of his hand making him let go of Leone.

Akame: Now I'm about t-

I pulled my machete holding it in front of her.

Y/N(serious): He's mine.

I said marching up to him franticly he looked around find a lead pipe he fumbled to pick up.

John(nervous): S-Stay back sinner I mean it.

He said holding the pipe out at me but I didn't stop swinging the pipe I duck as blood from his bleeding hand hit my face as I swung my machete cutting his waste. Backing up from my attack he held his wound for a moment before trying to hit me with a over head swing but I side stepped and punched him in the face before swinging my machete again getting his cheek cutting through it. Hitting the ground blood pored from his new wound as he crawled away.

Y/N: Not fun when you're the one getting cut up is it John.

I said in a calm tone before stabbing him in the shoulder.

Y/N: This is for Ochako,

I said severing his left arm.

Y/N: This is for Akame.

I said gutting his leg off.

Y/N: This is for Leone.

I said slicing his lower back severing his spinal cord. Kneeling down I grabbed Johns head pulling it back and placed my Machete to his neck.

Y/N: And this is for all the people you killed and tortured in the name of the father.

I said pulling my machete across his neck severing flash down to the bone. Dropping the now dead John seed the Militia arrived to take the rest of the bunker some let out war cry's as Holland Region is now liberated free from Project at Edan's Gate.

Time skip

In the spread eagle doing shots enjoying the moment when Mary leaned on the bar facing me.

Mary: Y/N I just want to thank you. You gave us something we haven't had in a long time hope.

Y/N: I'm glad I could do some good after everything that happened in my life.

Jerome: Well what ever happens next just know we'll have your back.

Yang: Us to.

Yang said causing me to turn around to see the union students. I bet they were doing this to earn some points with the militia or something so I leaned in and whispered into Yangs ear.

Y/N(whisper): I'll take your help but this changes nothing between us.

I whispered before leaning back and raising my glass.

Y/N: To the militia!

I said as everyone raised their glass.

Everyone: To the militia!

They said downing their drinks.

???: Oh Y/N.~

A person behind me said. Turning around I saw Misty and Alice behind me with a smirk. I downed my drink planing to run but mist grabbed my tail and started to drag me away.

Y/N: Help?

I asked but pastor Jerome and Mary just waved bye as I was dragged away.

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