Chapter 9: The Legend of the Cyber Masters

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Andrew was pacing around the shack with a disturbed look. Ever since Sunny Day was sent to jail, he had been thinking a lot about CyberMind.

If CyberMind is around, then are the Cyber Masters still around as well? I guess defeating Cyber Lord wasn't enough. What are we supposed to do now? How can I explain this to the girls and Jerry?

He stopped pacing and sat down in a chair with an exasperated sigh. He took off his glasses and placed his hands on his face. "I really don't wanna have to deal with those monsters again," he muttered to himself. "Facing out of control machines is one thing. But facing super smart humans with super upgraded robot suits is something else entirely!"

Just then, his phone went off. He picked it up and saw that it was Sam calling him. With a small blush, he answered.


"Hey, Andrew."

"Hi, Sam. How are you?"

"I'm fine. How about you? You sound a bit upset about something."

"Yeah... About that... I think we owe you girls an explanation about that guy who teamed up with Sunny Day."

"You mean CyberMind?"


"Oh. What about him?"

"Well, if you bring Alex and Clover with you to our shack, we'll explain everything."

"Oh. Okay, then. See you soon."


Andrew hung up the phone and sighed. "Well, at least I got that part out of the way," he said quietly. "Now, to tell Richard and Benjamin about what's going on."

With that, he pulled up his phone and began to make two more calls.


One hour later...

Andrew, Richard, and Benjamin sat in front of their shack and felt a little nervous when they saw the girls pull up in a car.

"Okay, guys," Andrew whispered to his friends. "You remember what needs to be done, right?"

"Yeah," said Richard. "We need to tell the girls everything we know about the Four Cyber Masters."

"How powerful they are, how we struggled against them, how we managed to defeat them," said Benjamin. "But most importantly, we need to tell them that they may be back."

"That's right," said Andrew. "If they really are back, then we'll need all the help we can get."

"Hey, boys," said Clover as she approached the boys with Sam and Alex. Benjamin blushed deeply at her outfit: A light blue shirt that showed a sliver of her belly, a pair of jean shorts, and pink sandals on her feet. He quickly shook his head to clear it of any perverted thoughts. But his blush deepened as his crush sat down next to him.

Alex chose to sit down next to Richard. Her outfit for today was a purple tank top, blue shorts, and a pair of flip flops. '"So," she said, "what did you guys wanna talk to us about?"

Richard shook away his small blush after seeing Alex and answered: "We need to tell you three about that guy who was working with Sunny Day. We fear that it may lead to disaster."

Cyborgs and Spies Volume 1: TeamupOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz