Chapter 7.2: The Frog Factor Part 2

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Android stood with his friends at his sides, his digital eyes a pair of circles. Stronghold had his jaw dropped with his eyes widened. Turbo Tech looked so shocked that he barely moved. The reason they were shocked was because they saw a bunch of students running away from several frogs all over the place!

"Well, crap," said Android. "Looks like our clash with that Cyber Frog took a lot longer than we thought. How are we gonna get rid of those frogs?"

"Robo Squad," called a voice. The three heroes looked over and saw the spies in their spy outfits running over to them.

"Sam, Alex, Clover," Android called. "Sorry we're late!"

"We had a run-in with a giant robotic frog," said Stronghold.

"Really?" Clover asked in a deadpan voice.

"It was a giant metal behemoth that could eat metal," Turbo Tech argued. "We almost became frog chow!"

"Well, I guess you guys know how flies feel," said Alex.

"Not the time, but yeah," said Stronghold. "How have you three been doing against those frogs?"

"It's so hard," Clover whined. "I can't bear the thought of touching those nasty little reptiles!"

"They're amphibians," said Turbo. "Though, I can understand why you don't want to touch a frog. But anyway, we think we know how Christopher is controlling the frogs."

"Really?" Sam asked. "How?"

"He's got a helmet of some kind," said Android. "Thanks to some help from a member of the Cyber Force, he managed to build both the helmet and the Cyber Frog."

"Whoa," said Alex. "Do you guys know which member?"

"Negative," said Android. "We don't have enough evidence or clues to figure out which one."

"We can try to figure that out later," said Clover. "For now, let's focus on getting these slimy amphibians out of the school. What's the plan?"

Stronghold spoke up. "I can try to gather up as many of the frogs as possible," he said. "And try to get them to a pond or creek or something."

"I'll help you out," said Alex. "I'll do anything to make sure that no innocent animal gets hurt."

"Great," said Android. "Turbo, what have you got?"

Turbo thought for a moment. "I'll need to figure out how to get the helmet away from Chrstopher," he said. His face lit up. "Clover, can use your mirror to stun him long enough for me to grab it?"

Clover smiled widely and nodded. "You got it," she said.

"Then that leaves me and Sam to distract him long enough for you two to get the drop on him," said Android. Sam nodded in agreement. "All right, let's roll!"

The entire group nodded and set off to do their part!

With Stronghold and Alex...

Stronghold raced down the halls, scooping up frogs and putting them in a small aquarium. "Really wish there weren't so many frogs here," he called out. "Now I know how the Egyptians felt."

"I hear ya," said Alex as she used a net to scoop up some of the frogs. "At least Jerry got us a truck to borrow for this situation."

"Don't tell me Jerry WOOHPED you girls to tell you about the frog factor," Stronghold said.

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