Character Info 3: Benjamin Sharp

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Name: Benjamin Sharp

Age: 15

Hero name: Turbo Tech

Robotic part: None

Weapons: Cannons and laser guns

Likes: Clover, Sam, Alex, Andrew, Richard, learning new things, school, science, tutoring those who need help in school, inventing gadgets and weapons

Dislikes: Bullies, being bullied, being called weak, the Cyber Force, Mandy and her friends, seeing his friends sad

Personality: Smart, creative, intelligent, cheerful, sweet, energetic, ditzy, easily flustered by Clover's flirting

Love Interest: Clover

Benjamin the smartest one of the three friends. He's very creative with his machines and gadgets. Even though he's very smart, he's always been a target for bullying. However, despite all of the bullying and ridicule he receives, he always manages to smile. He refuses to let sadness get the best of him.

Inspired by Android's heroism, Benjamin built himself a suit of armor that's armed with powerful cannons and laser guns. With his sharp mind and gun skills, he's quite lethal against the Cyber Force!

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