Chapter 8: Here Comes the Sun (My Version)

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Andrew was sitting on the beach, relaxing on a chair. It was a nice Saturday. He was so relaxed that he didn't bother to remove his robotic arm. Luckily, no one seemed to mind his arm at all.

"Ah, what a lovely day. It feels nice to relax after spending some time fighting the Cyber Force," he whispered to himself.

"Dang it," said a voice. "Why is painting so hard?!"

"Hmm?" Andrew sat up and looked around. He soon saw Benjamin with a frustrated look. There was a broken canvas in front of him with some spilled paint. Curiously, he approached his friend.

"Benjamin, are you okay?" Andrew asked.

Benjamin sighed and shook his head. "Not really, no," he answered.

"What's wrong?"

"Well, I saw that Clover seemed interested in the works of artists," Benjamin said. "So, I decided to give painting a try. But... it's actually harder than I thought." He picked up the canvas and showed a messy picture that was supposed to look like Clover.

"Oh," said Andrew. "Wow. Yeah, I see what you mean. Trust me, I'm not very good at painting or drawing." He then grinned. "You must really like her that much to try something like this."

Benjamin blushed deeply. "W-well, when you put it that way," he said.

"I certainly do, bro," said Andrew. "I think it's cool that you're trying out something new for the girl that you really like."

"Thanks, dude," said Benjamin. "I just wish I could get it right, though."

"How long have you been at this?"

"About two hours."

"Oof! Okay, come on! Let's find Richard and have you take a break."


"Aah, no! I don't wanna hear it! I don't want you hurting yourself here! Come on!"

And so, despite Benjamin's protests, Andrew dragged him off to find Richard.


"Well, you certainly are dedicated to impressing Clover," said Richard as he was busy lifting weights in the gym. "I'll give you credit for that."

Benjamin blushed a bit. "Well, what can I say?" He asked. "I was never really lucky with the ladies at all."

"Well, to be fair, neither was I," Andrew pointed out. "Anyway, I think Benjamin needs a break from trying painting right now."

"Yeah, no kidding," said Richard. Just then, a beep was heard from his pocket. He set the weight aside and sat up to look at his phone. He then smiled and glanced at his friends. "Speaking of the girls, I just got a text from Alex. Looks like they want our help with a new mission."

"A new mission, huh?" Andrew asked. "Well, what is it?"

"We're gonna have to meet them at our shack so they can explain," said Richard. "Alex's words, not mine."

"I could use a break from painting anyway," said Benjamin.

"Okay, then," said Andrew. "Let's get going."


Richard pulled up in front of their shack. The boys saw the spies waiting patiently for them. As soon as they saw them, they smiled and gave them some friendly waves. They couldn't help but blush at the fact that the girls were in beachwear.

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