Chapter 7.1: The Frog Factor Part 1 of 2

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Andrew, Richard, and Benjamin sat behind Alex, Sam, and Clover in the science classroom. They were learning about the digestive system. While the boys were interested, Alex was looking grossed out. Just then, the bell rang.

"All right, class," said the science teacher, Professor Walsh. "Be sure to be ready for frog dissection tomorrow."

As the class got up, Benjamin looked at his friends excitedly. "Dissecting frogs," he said with a big smile. "I've always wanted to dissect a frog!"

"You know, I was always curious about what dissecting is like," Andrew said. "I thought we would start with a worm or something. At least, that's how my dad and his class started when he was still a high school student."

Richard chuckled at his friends' enthusiasm. Before he could say anything, he noticed that Alex looked uncomfortable and quite nervous. "Hey, guys, hold on," he said. "Alex doesn't look too good."

Andrew glanced over and gasped. "Whoa, you're right," he said. "We better go over and make sure she's okay."

They made it to Alex, who was looking quite green. "Alex, are you okay?" Richard asked. Alex looked up at him and shook her head. "Okay, what's wrong?"

"Dissecting frogs," Alex said. "No! I can't do it! I don't want to do it!"

"What? Why?" Benjamin asked. "I thought it was something that every student was looking forward to."

"Yeah," said Sam. "Dissecting isn't gross. It's science!"

"Plus, even if it is gross, I'll be Benjamin's lab partner," Clover added as she hugged Benjamin. The smart boy blushed bright red at her flirty attitude.

"It's not just because it's gross," Alex said. "It's also because..." She looked down with a sad face.

"Because of what?" Richard asked. But then, it all came together as he gasped with realization. "Oh! You don't want to dissect the frogs because you love animals! Am I right?"

Alex glanced up at Richard with a nod. "Yes," she said. "I don't want to hurt those innocent little frogs."

Richard looked at the girl with a look of sympathy. He reached up and gently patted her on the head before rubbing her scalp. He then brought his hand to chin as he thought for a moment. "Hmm," he said. "So how do we convince Professor Walsh to allow you to not dissect the frogs?"

Alex looked up with surprise. "You're gonna try to help me get out dissecting a frog?" She asked.

Richard nodded with a smile. "Of course," he answered. "I'm always trying to look out for my friends!"

Alex smiled and gave him a quick hug. "Thank you so much," she said. She pulled away, not noticing Richard's small blush.

"Well, okay then," said Andrew. "I guess dissecting live animals is very cruel. Count me in!"

"Same here," said Benjamin. "After all, there are some things in science that man should not tamper with!"

Clover rolled her eyes. "Were you watching some science horror movie last night?" She asked.

"Yup yup," Benjamin said. Clover looked shocked. "What? I like anything that has science involved! Even if it's fictional!"

Clover rolled her eyes and giggled. "Well, I never said that was bad," she said.

"Guys, are you three sure you want to do this?" Sam asked.

"Yeah," said Andrew. "It's like my dad once told: If you have hobbies that make your friends uncomfortable, don't do them in front of them. Like, let's say you have a friend who is a vegan. If you want to eat some meat and they don't like it, simply don't eat meat in front of them. Does that make sense?"

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