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taehyung had woken up when jungkook was out talking to jimin, when a nurse came in to see the brunette in tears she quickly rushed to get other nurses. all taehyung wanted was a familiar face, he wanted to see jungkook. when he first woke up he was confused as to why he was in the hospital until he got random flashbacks. 

'n-not a-again' he cried as he tried to get out of bed but a nurse stopped him. 

"I w-want j-jungkook" he cried, watching as the nurse quickly nodded and rushed out the room. 

"Im glad no one lost their lives even though there could of been a fatality. jackson will be gone for a very long time, i hope that gives you and taehyung some ease" the officer said over the phone before they both said their goodbyes and hung up. 

the raven walked back into jimin's room and sat on the bed again. 

"they caught him" jungkook said. jimin's eyes widened along with yoongi's. 

"they caught him trying to get into my property with flowers, the guards called the police officers and now he will be put away for a very long time" the raven explained, heart feeling heavy when he saw a tear glide down jimin's cheek. 

jungkook flinched when the door to the room was flung open, he shot his head towards the door to see a nurse out of breath. "taehyung is awake but crying and wants you" the nurse said, trying to catch her breath. 

the raven left the room quickly, rushing back to taehyung's room to see the male trying to get the nurses to stop holding him down. he felt his heart clench seeing those scared eyes and tears. jungkook quickly made his way in between the nurses and took their hands away from taehyung. 

when the brunette made eye contact with jungkook he let out a sob, being pulled into jungkook's warm chest. the raven asked the nurses to leave for a a little while and they soon did. 

"im right here love" the raven whispered, placing his hand on the side of taehyung's face keeping his head against his chest. 

"he is g-going to k-kill me" he heard taehyung whisper, soon followed by a few cries. 

"babe he was caught, they got him. he is going to prison for a very long time" jungkook said, holding taehyung in his arms longer until the male fell asleep. as the raven lowered taehyung to lay down, he pushed the blanket over taehyung's shoulder when there was a knock on the room door. 

he took one glance at taehyung before walking towards the door, when he opened it he saw two officers standing by the door. he left the room to answer their questions. 

"we need to speak to taehyung about what happened?" an officer stated, clipboard in his hand. 

"i thought you guys already had jackson?" jungkook said

"we do but we still need his statement either way" the officer said and jungkook nodded. 

"I only just got him to go back to sleep, can I have a number to text one of you when he is awake?" the raven asked, taking one of the officers numbers before going back inside. only to see taehyung awake and looking at him. 

"I thought you were asleep babe" jungkook whispered, sitting against the hospital bed. 

"you left" the brunette whispered, soon letting out a small smile when jungkook laid next to him. letting the male rest his head on his chest. 

"do I have any major injuries?" taehyung asked, but received a no. 

"the same as last time, headache, tiredness and dizzy" 

"im just glad they g-got him and that jimin and jin are okay" taehyung whispered as he closed his eyes, soon feeling jungkook run his hands through his hair. 

"I will be right here when you wake up, then we can go home" the raven whispered, softly pecking his boyfriend's head. 

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