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| Mateo |

We had sex. That was the first thing I thought when I woke up the morning after our night together. And the next thing I thought was, he must be sore.

"You awake, mi amor?" I asked when I saw his body shift ever so slightly.

"Mmhmm," he replied.

I kissed him on his head and pressed us tightly together, my hand running all over his body in a soothing caress as I thought about how close we'd been. It was one of the greatest moments of my life. Being with him felt more right than words could ever express.

Our morning was slow as we let our bodies wake up. Cam was pretty sore like I'd guessed so I changed the sheets and made the bed for him as he tried to go and get ready for the morning. When he came back from the bathroom, I just held him to myself for a moment, breathing in the scent of his hair and revelling in the notion that he was mine, all mine. I don't mean to sound possessive, but the thought of him in the hands of another makes me angrier than I will ever admit out loud.

Time felt like it was moving so quickly now. At the beginning of summer, it felt like summer was never going to end and now it felt like it would end before we even knew it. A couple more weeks passed since Cam and I had made love and we were almost ready to move out for uni. We hadn't had sex again since we had that one time, but I never expected us to start doing it every day. We're still very intimate with one another, but I know sex is still hard for him and he needs to do it only when he is comfortable and if he's not fully comfortable again yet then that was okay. I still loved spending time with him.

Although now today, I was excited to see someone else. My dad was going to be in town for a few days to spend time with me before I'm off to Nottingham and he'd only told me yesterday that he was coming. Said he wanted it to be somewhat of a surprise and didn't want me to feel like I was waiting all summer for him.

There was a time when there was a big rift between me and my dad, and that distance wasn't caused by the seas separating us when he moved to Spain. I'd felt really hurt and betrayed when he left our family, and I couldn't understand why he couldn't at least stay for me. Of course, that's in the past now. I know more than anyone how difficult my mum can be, and I just don't want to live my life bitter toward my whole family. My dad had apologised countless times for the things he needed to apologise for, and I'd apologised in turn for blaming it all on him. We'd gotten very close as well while I'd been living with him for a year.

So, there I was at the airport waiting for my dad. We were going to have some time together today before I brought him back to the Morris House. He was originally going to stay in a hotel nearby but when I told everyone he was going to be in town, Sienna and Andrew insisted to him that he stay with them. Eventually they wore him down and he agreed which worked out great for me because it meant I could stay with Cam during the nights and then see my dad right away in the mornings.

"Dad!" I said when I spotted him. He was balding now, so he'd taken the plunge and shaved off his whole head a few months ago, right before I left. I could see he had a good tan on his head now that it had a chance in the sun whereas before he was very pale up there and we'd made ample fun of him. His beard he wore in a goatee and there was more silver in it now than before.

We both grinned when he saw me, and I ran over and gave him a hug. I'd missed him more than I realised. It was going to be tough to say goodbye when he left at the end of the week.

"Hey kid," he said pulling back. "Good to see you in person again."

"You too dad," I replied. "C'mon I'll take your luggage."

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