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| Mateo |

I'd fucked it. Cam seemed so upset with me and I was so angry at myself for being such an idiot. I thought maybe I was doing the right thing, but I clearly wasn't. I didn't know what to do now. I'd tried to convince Cam to let me stay so we could talk some more and fix this, but he was adamant that he wanted me gone so now I was stood in the corridor leaning against his door thinking about what the fuck I did now.

A few minutes later, there were footsteps coming up the stairs, but I didn't really notice them until Ade was standing at the top of the stairs staring at me with his 'what the fuck' face.

"What are you doing?" he asked.

"Wallowing. Where you been? Thought you were home this whole time."

He pulled something out of his pocket, a little bag of weed. "Smoke?" he asked. He was my fucking saviour. "Got a good strand off this new dealer."

"Please," I practically begged. This is exactly what I needed. We went to his room to get other supplies, papers, tips, etc., and grabbed a few snacks from the pantry as well before making our way into the back garden where we sat on those old garden chairs that had been there forever. Adrian rolled us a joint on the garden table that wobbled a little unsteadily on the ground and soon I was coughing as the drug tickled my throat. Adrian coughed a little as well but not nearly as much.

"Jesus, you've not done this in a while," he said once my coughing died down.

I cleared my throat before responding. "Nah, I haven't."

"So," he said taking another puff. I heard an owl in the distance and let myself stare at the starless sky. "What happened tonight?"

I told him the gist of it, and he snorted in response. "You big idiot," he said. "You're the one who has actually been in relationship, you should have known better than that."

"Yeah, I know," I said, him not making me feel any better like he was supposed to. "Sometimes I just lose my head," I managed to say before another bout of coughing overtook me. I could already feel myself getting hungry and passed the joint back to Ade. "So what? You gonna beat me up or something for hurting your brother?"

"Well, not like you intentionally hurt him, so I'll let you off this time," he replied though he did whack me round the back off my head right after.

"Ow." I rubbed my head and took the joint back taking another deep draught of the stuff. "Do think I can fix it or is it like really really bad."

"Nah, I don't think it's like super bad. I'm sure he'll get over it," Ade said giving me a bit of hope.

I knew I wasn't going to let him go, so even if I had to work a little to get his affection back I would because he was worth all of that. I just can't believe that I let Cory have this win, not that I would let him know he won. He wanted to cause some strife in my relationship, and he got it, but it was still through my own idiocy. I don't know why I didn't just wait to meet Cory. I should have let Cam know before I met him that it was going to happen as well. I was just so desperate to get this over with and make sure Cory knew nothing would happen that I obviously didn't spend a great deal of time thinking about the consequences of my actions.

"I really didn't mean to hurt him. I just wanted Cory off my back," I tried explaining to Ade who was entirely the wrong person I should be explaining it to.

"Well, Cory's a little bitch and a shit stirrer and he always has been. He'll be loving this. I never liked the guy," Ade replied.

"You didn't?" I asked. "You never said."

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