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| Camden |

When I woke up and checked the time, I realised I'd only been asleep for like two hours. Still, it was one of the best sleeps of my life. I sank back into my pillows with a smile on my face thinking about earlier.

I couldn't believe I'd done what I did. But with Mateo so close, his lips so sweet and soft, his hands so big and rough and touching me, I couldn't help myself. I found myself not wanting to stop. Every thrust of his hips was sending me over the edge, and I had no other worries in the world except nearing my release.

I hadn't cum in almost a year, so I hadn't exactly lasted long... but still, it felt good. I hadn't been sure if it would ever feel good again. I found myself having no regrets about it either. I thought maybe when I'd come down from the high of it, it would dawn in me what we'd done and I would hate myself, but it still made me happy even now.

I knew that I wanted it to happen again. I didn't know when or how or if maybe more would happen next time rather than us just dry humping each other, but I wanted more. As long as it was with Mateo, I would always be happy with more. Things just felt so right with him, so pure in a way.

So, when I turned around, hoping to snuggle into his chest, imagine my surprise when he wasn't there.

There's no way he had... he wouldn't do a fuck and dump right? Not that we had fucked but I just couldn't understand why he wasn't here. Maybe he'd just gone to the bathroom but his clothes that had been sprawled on the floor when he took them off to sleep were gone. I reluctantly left the warmth of my bed to look out my window which faced the front of my house, only to find that his car wasn't even there. Had he seriously left me?

I got back into bed and texted him asking him where he was but no reply. I was starting to get upset now but willed myself not to cry and smothered my face in my pillow again trying to think of all the rational reasons he would not be here. Maybe something had happened at home, an emergency, and he'd had to go back?

And then my phone pinged, and I checked it to see Mateo had texted me back saying he was coming back now, but what I wanted to know was where he was coming back from. He'd taken my keys apparently so he could let himself back in, so I stayed in bed waiting for him to come through my bedroom door. I didn't want to be the type of guy in a relationship that was questioning where his partner had been, but I feel like considering the time of night maybe that wasn't such a terrible thing for me to question.

"Cam?" I heard him call at last. "Hey, I thought you would have still been asleep. Sorry I wasn't here."

"Where were you?" I asked sitting up in bed hugging my knees to my chest.

"I... okay it will sound bad at first, but I swear I wasn't gonna keep it from you I just didn't wanna wake you up that's all. I was gonna tell you in the morning," he said still not telling me why he'd abandoned me in the middle of the night.

"Okay, so tell me," I urged.

He sighed. "My... my ex Cory he-"

"You left me in the middle of the night to go meet your ex are you fucking kidding me Mateo? After I... after we..." I hadn't even given him a chance to explain before I was getting upset. "How could you..."

"Cam! No, no, no," he said coming closer to sit on the bed with me. "It's not like that at all, I swear okay. He kept texting me and he said he wouldn't stop until I met him."

"So why didn't you block him!"

"I wanted to! But he said he'd start showing up at my house or come up to me whenever he sees me again and I know him, he'll make a massive scene because he thinks he's better than everyone else. I didn't want him to come up to us if we were together and say something to upset you. I went to meet him tonight to make it clear nothing would ever happen between me and him. And he just gave me an old shirt back that he still had."

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