Chapter 21: Run

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I sat on the floor. Staring at the remote. That was the only thing that could set me free and it was just out of reach.

My choice was either A; grab the remote and have a chance to escape or get brutally tortured. Or B; do nothing and get tortured anyway. Not a hard choice to make.

A single tear fell from my eye that was quickly wiped away with my own wrist. I was so stressed and scared. Sure I was scared when I saw Michael and Jason but neither of the two hurt me. These men did.

There was nothing else left to do. The men wouldn't be distracted in the kitchen forever. It was now or never.

I took a deep breath and peaked around the corner. The men were all there standing around with drinks in their hands. Laughing and having a great time. It was sickening to see them happy after what they did to me.

All the men started making a toast. I stopped listening to what for, I didn't care to know. They all put their glasses up in the air together before pulling it to their mouths. This was my time.

My body moved forward in a quick lung and grabbed onto the remote with a tight grip. I threw my body back into the hallway, away from anyone's view.

I peaked back to see non of the men noticed me. The remote had basic buttons so I already knew what to press. I prayed the remote could still work in another room.

My legs carried me to the furthest room with a window in it. I grabbed onto a lamp, ready to break the window open.

I pressed the on button on the TV. Nothing happened. God damnit.

I pressed again. Still nothing.

The stupid remote couldn't connect to the TV from this far. I cursed under my breath and went into the hallway. The TV was in sight so the odds should be in my favor.

I clicked the button again. The TV was still black. I waved the remote and hit the side of it before pressing it again.

The TV light up. Finally.

I kept my small celebration to a minimum as I got to work. I turned the volume all the way up. The TV opened to Netflix.

The loud 'budumm' sound caught the guys attention. I had to move fast. The application opened and I clicked a random movie before dropping the remote and going back to the window.

I smashed the lamp against the glass over and over. It was tougher then I thought it would, being hurt and still bleeding didn't help.

After a few more hits, the glass shattered just as someone screamed in the movie. Lucky me. I threw myself out the window, not thinking about what happened when I got out. Just thinking about getting out.

As if I wasn't in enough pain, I fell against the ground. My shoulder cracking as it hit the hard surface. Nothing was broken. Just very hurt.

I forced myself to push my body up and run. I didn't know where I was going but I just ran away from the house. There was forest everywhere.

The stupid house was in the middle of no where. Only a single lane dirt road lead to it, a road I can't go across. If I did follow it, they would for sure catch me.

I started to cry as I ran into the woods. Tears made purely from stress as I ran for my life.

"WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU?" A almost demonic voice rang through the trees.

The voice was backed up by other lower voices, planning and scheming. Then lights shined through the trees. Bright lights, scanning the area. They knew I was gone and they were coming for me.

The lights spread out as the men desperately raced around the forest. The tears that were once in my eyes were now gone. I went back to being focused. I needed to live and they will not catch me. If they did I would be done for. There was no second chances.

My first thought was to climb up a tree. They're too panicked to look up but then I realized how hard that would be. The trees looked weak and the branches would be to small to carry my weight. Not to mention they might catch me on my way up if I don't climb fast enough.

I decided to keep running. Maybe I wasn't fast enough. Lights started to get closer to me. The once dark forest grew light when I felt a hand grab my shoulder.

The hand tugged hard enough to send me flying onto the ground. I landed on my stomach I groaned in pain. There wasn't time to move again for a man pulled my body around and pinned me down. He was on his knees, over my body giving off worse vibes then torture.

"Stupid bitch, should have just stayed put." He said with a sinister grin.

The man removed his left hand, going to reach for who knows what. I didn't let him continue. I wasn't going to be a victim for a man to save any more.

I used his hands absence as an advantage and used all my strength to push his body up and off of mine. The second I was free from him I pushed my body up to run once more.

I was so close to getting up all the way before a hand grabbed onto my ankle and pulled me back down to the ground. I kicked at the hand and looked back.

Thats when I repositioned and kicked the man right in the face. Over and over again until he let go of me.

Once my ankle was released, I sprinted straight forward away. I ran fast just to hear a whistle behind me. The man was calling his friends.

The whistle distracted me, making me turn my head to see if they were all coming.

Before I could look back forward I ran into something hard and sturdy, falling right back down into the ground.


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