Chapter 20: Escape

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The bag over my head was loose. Maybe loose enough to get it off. I had to focus more on my hands and legs before that though.

Ropes were tied around my limbs, making me stay put on the chair. I thought I was fucked until I noticed my right hand.

I could move it in the rope. Not a lot but better then my other wrist. I could grab on to the knot. I stayed still for a second to try and listen for anyone. Just to make sure no one was around me to notice.

I didnt hear anything close but I could hear voices further away from me. I went for it and grabbed onto the end of the knot, pulling it as far as I could.

Soon enough it came undone and my right arm was free from the chair. I moved fast as I took the bag off my head and untied my arm and legs.

I quickly looked at my surroundings. It looked like a normal house. The chair I was tied to was at the end of a hallway. At the other end was a table where the group of guys who kidnapped me sat around. They seemed to be playing a card game and was to distracted to notice me.

I slipped away from the chair and into a room. I started to panic from the fact that I didn't know how to get out of the house. I thought I would need to go out the front door until I saw the window in the room I was hiding in.

I ran up to the window just to find it was locked. I could break it but they would definitely hear me.

"Fuck..." I whispered in frustration.

"Ey haha!" I could hear the group laughing from the other room. More commotion started and I knew they were going to notice I was gone.

I panicked and made a quick decision that I wasn't sure was the best or not but it was the best thing I can think to do. I ran back out to the hallway and sat in the chair. I tied loose knots in around my legs and my one hand. The other hand was free so I just held onto the rope that was ment to be around it. The bag was put over my head with more force then I ment to have.

"Bitch is still here." One voice started to approach.

"Of course she is. She'll never get out of this." Another voice taunted me.

The bag was ripped aggressively off of my head.

"Hey sweetheart." I was met with a wide and demented smile. A smile of a man who had bad plans.

The man took a knife out of his pocket. A switch blade that he flicked out dramatically.

It gasped as he pushed the knife against my skin. A slice went across my collar bone, letting out blood the more he cut. I wanted to move. I wanted to grab his arm and push him away from me. I can't defend myself.

If I did I'm sure I'd get tortured non stop. It was in my best interest to just stay still and pretend I was still tied up. It was hard though, not being able to move while getting cut up.

He kept going. Cut after cut. Each one went deeper and he started to cut faster. I was screaming without even noticing.

"We shouldn't hurt her to bad, I think someone else wants to hurt her worse then we do." A bystander stated.

"Fine. Stupid bitch is going to have a great time if I can make her scream with just a few cuts." He looked down on me as he put the switch blade back into his pocket.

The men left once again. I was breathing heavily, mostly because of the panic attack I was caught in. He definitely wants to hurt me more and I'm sure David's parents will do worse then this.

Once all the men were gone and I was alone, I took the opportunity to undue the ropes again. I have to get out this time. Returning to this chair wasn't an option.

The men were down the hallway and around the corner. I sneaked closer to get a better look at the house. The front door was to my left through the living room and the group of men were to my right in the kitchen. There was no wall separating the rooms so they could easily see if I were to make a run for it.

I didn't even know if the door was unlocked or not. The windows were locked so I don't doubt the front door would be. I couldn't even find a back door in the house. It's like this place was made to kidnap people. The men are obviously psychotic enough to have that as a 'job'.

I have options. To many options to pick from and so many of them will get me killed.

I started breathing heavily from the panic that was once again rising in my chest. Just calm down. I need to think.

My best bet is if I male some sort of huge distraction so I can break a window. I searched around for anything that can make some sort of loud sound. That's when I saw it.

My ticket out of here. My savings grace was right there. The thing that would save my life. There was a small issue with it though.

There was a couch close to the hallway. On the couch sat a perfectly placed remote. A remote that controls the TV. The issue was I had to grab the remote without any of the men noticing.


Sorry for waiting so long on this chapter I wasn't sure what to write but now I have ideas so I'll keep updating this :)

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