Ye Olde Hand Holde

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The Squad and Mae were sitting in the cafe at Get Sporty. They were taking a break from studying, and having some smoothies.

Ricky started to play with his straw. Nicky frowned at him, but then decided to do the same. And of course, Dicky had to join in.

The girls watched them with frowns on their faces. Why couldn't they just be normal for one second? Dawn rolled her eyes and sighed. She couldn't take it anymore.

"STOP IT!" She startled them, finally stopping them from squeaking their straws. "Stop making such immature noises."

Suddenly, a trumpet fanfare was heard, and the kids turned to the entrance of the cafe. It were Tom and Anne.

"Hear ye! Hear ye!" Tom started, reading from a scroll, "Ye Olde Tom's Get Sporty would like to invite one and all to the Tenth Annual Renaissance Faire. As King and Queen. . . We shall rule thy fairgrounds with our loyal, royal dragon. . . Squishy Puffs."

Squishy walked into the cafe, wearing a dragon's costume. He barked, and everyone aww-ed.

"Ah, the Ren Faire, where we can eat with our hands, scratch whatever itches, and burp at will." Nicky said.

"Come on, let's practice. Dawn, you be Will." Dicky said, and the boys bent over the table. They burped loudly, and the girls looked at them with disgusted expressions on their faces.

"Stop it!" Dawn yelled. "You guys are gonna ruin the Ren Faire for me. Why can't I just go with somebody more mature?"

Nicky gasped and put his hand on his chest, "Who could possibly be more mature than us?"

They watched Mack move a chair for an old lady, and Dawn pointed at him.

"Someone like Mack." She said.

"That's pretty mature." Mae added, and y/n nodded in agreement.

"In fact, I'm gonna go ask Mack to go to the Ren Faire with me, and show you guys how mature people hang out together." Dawn said.

"A date, huh?" Dooley cut in, who suddenly turned to them. He was sitting on the other side of the bench the girls were sitting on. They screamed. "You let Dooley know if you need anything. Say, a new outfit, some lip gloss. . ."

Dawn scoffed, "It's not a date, Dooley. Mack and I hang out together all the time. We've been to the movies, a dance, lunch as friends."

Y/n raised an eyebrow and shared a look with Nicky, who was apparently thinking the same thing. The two smiled at each other and laughed.

Dooley scoffed, "Child's play. Those are all two hours, max. But the Ren Faire? We're talking an all-day commitment."

Dooley walked away, leaving Dawn in fear. Dooley was right, this was more than she thought.

"What's wrong, Dawn? Not mature enough for a date?" Ricky asked, challenging her. Dawn scoffed.

"Please. "Mature" is my middle name."

Nicky frowned, "I'm pretty sure it's Abigail."

"It is?" Dicky asked, "Wait, then who's middle name is Steven?"

"Yours." Ricky replied. Dicky frowned at him.

"Uh, pretty sure mine's Abigai-"

"Steven!" Nicky yelled to shut him up.

"While you three bicker, the mature Quad has a social engagement to arrange." Dawn waved them goodbye and got up from her seat.

Dicky was still frowning, confused about his middle name.

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