Harpers For President

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"Class, it's everyone's favorite time of year." Mr. Williams said, starting the class.

"Heirloom tomato season?" Nicky asked excitedly.


"Taco season?" Dicky asked excitedly.

"That's not a thing."

"Christmas?" Y/n asked with a frown on her face. She knew it wasn't December, but what else was he supposed to be talking about?

"No." Mr. Williams replied confused.

"I think what Mr. Williams is referring to is the upcoming election for class president." Ricky explained.

"So, when you mean, "everyone's favorite time of the year", you mean just Ricky's?" Dawn asked.

"That's correct, Dawn. But this year we're going to jazz it up a bit with online polling that will tell us minute to minute who the most popular candidate is." Mr. Williams explained. No one cared but Ricky.

"Ooh, I hope there will be graphs." Ricky said, "Perhaps a bar graph, a histogram, or, dare I say it, a scatter plot."

"You know very well there will be a scatter plot, Ricky. You helped design the app."

"I'd also like to help design the future of this school, which is why. . ." Ricky slammed his hands on his desk and stood up, "I'd like to announce my candidacy for class president. It would be an honor to serve you all."

"I wish you'd serve me some pizza right now," Dicky said to his brother and stood up, "Because I'd like to announce, that I am hungry."

"Does anyone else want to run for president?" Mr. Williams asked.

"Hey, y/n." Dicky said, and y/n turned around on her chair.

"Yeah?" She replied.

"You should run for class president." He suggested. Y/n frowned.

"And why on earth would I do that?" She asked.

"I agree," Nicky joined in on the conversation, "I mean, people like you. Definitely more than they like Ricky. And you always help us get out of trouble, so I'm sure you'd make a good leader."

"And you're friends with me, I know a lot of people." Dicky added, "Plus, you'd easily beat Ricky. You could rub that in his face for the rest of his life."

"That does sound fun. . ." Y/n nodded, but then she lightly shook her head, "But no. It's too much work. I can handle your problems, but I can't handle everyone else's."

"Look, it's not a bad thing you know it's not your thing. That's a good thing." The three turned to Ricky and Dawn, who were arguing.

"Well, here's the thing. Mind your own thing." Dawn replied.

"Uh-oh. . ." Nicky said and shared a look with Dicky and y/n.

"Here we go. . ." Y/n replied.

"Looks like we might have a thing." Dicky added.

Dawn slammed her hands on her desk and stood up as well. Everyone looked at her.

"I want to run for president." She announced.

"Hey, that's my thing." Ricky said and angrily stood up.

"Well, see about that." Dawn replied.

"Ooh, the scatter plot thickens." Nicky said, and y/n and Dicky shared a look.

****Insert Intro Music****

"President Dawn. Yeah, that's got a nice ring to it." Dawn said as she and the rest of the squad walked into the kitchen. "I wonder what my campaign slogan should be."

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