A/N: More about y/n

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Hi everyone! In the previous chapter, I asked if you all wanted a chapter with a bit more information about y/n, and from what I've seen and what I think, it is quite nice to have this.

I will first get into y/n's character and her bond with the quads, and after that, I'll explain a bit about the family members that appear in the story. So here we go. . .

Warning: Spoilers ahead of the previous chapters!
(No spoilers for future chapters)

Y/n L/n
-This is you (or your character)
-Y/n was born in Italy and moved to Boulder when she was five years old
-She speaks fluent Italian and a little French
-She likes playing video games, cooking with Nicky, coming up with stories (and sometimes writing them), and the rest of her hobbies are up to you :)
-She is a little claustrophobic (Revealed in Abrasquadabra)
-She is younger than the quads by a few months

After her parents died in a car accident back in Italy, y/n moved in with her uncle and his family, all the way in Boulder. A big change for a little kid, but she adapted rather quickly. After she met the quads, she definitely felt like she belonged in Boulder.
(The death of her parents was revealed in M.D Day, but not how they died. So now you know)

She's closest to Dicky, he is her best friend. They help each other out when they need to, and make each other laugh when the other feels bad. You'd think Dicky isn't capable of just being friends with a girl, but somehow it works with y/n. That doesn't mean he doesn't think she's pretty, the opposite, actually. He may have liked her a bit at the beginning of their friendship, but it was clear she didn't like him that way. He respected that and is now able to just be friends with her, without any romantic feelings.

Y/n is also very close to Dawn. She'd call Dawn her "girl best friend", when Dicky says, "I thought I was your best friend?"
Together with Mae, the three form a sort of friend group without the Icky's. The three share everything with each other and have sleepovers from time to time. Well, they don't share EVERYTHING. At least, y/n doesn't. . . .

Which brings me to her bond with Nicky. The two are good friends and like to play (video) games or cook together (When they play video games, Dicky mostly joins as well). Nicky's great cooking skills and his love for the Italian cuisine can cheer y/n up any minute. It also makes her like him even more, because yes, y/n does in fact like Nicky. A lot. Besides his cooking skills, she likes that he's caring and funny, and his green eyes and dimples always make her blush.
(I mean, if not, I suppose you wouldn't be reading this story)

Y/n's bond with Ricky is a bit different from any of the others. They're not best friends like y/n is with Dicky, Dawn, and Mae, and she most definitely doesn't like-like him the way she likes Nicky. The two are friends, but they sometimes get on each other's nerves. Kind of the same way how Ricky's siblings get on his nerves. The fact that y/n is quite smart, doesn't help either. . . But the two do look out for each other. They're both in the same squad, after all.

Other information:
Y/n has a penguin plushie, named Pinguino (Italian for penguin). That's the only thing she still has from her parents that she remembers them giving to her. Because she was five years old when they died, she barely remembers anything, which makes this plushie very special to her (mentioned in The Squad-Test). She got it from her parents at a zoo back in Italy, a few weeks before her parents died. That trip to the zoo was one of the best experiences of y/n's life, and she wouldn't be able to take it if something were to happen to that plushie. . .

Antonio L/n
-First mentioned as "uncle" in Pilot, first mentioned as "Antonio" in Valentime's Day (the name of his restaurant was revealed which has his name in it), and first appeared in Unhappy Campers
-Antonio is the brother of y/n's father, so y/n's uncle.
-He was born in Italy
-He moved to America about 20 years ago
-He owns a restaurant (First mentioned in The Squad-test, properly mentioned in Valentime's Day)
-He's allergic to dogs (Mentioned in Pilot)
-He refused to join Tom's Italian band (Mentioned in The Squad-Test)

Antonio runs a restaurant in Boulder, Antonio's Ristorante. It is obviously an Italian restaurant, which has been mentioned before in the story (The Squad-Test and Valentime's Day). It also explains y/n's hate for DiPietro's Wall Oven Pizza, the Italian restaurant that appears throughout the show. She thinks it's a trashy place, and it's her uncle's competitor (mentioned in Valentime's Day).

Y/n speaks Italian with her uncle most of the time. He's very protective of her because he cares a lot about her. He wants her to have a perfect life, something she deserves after the tragedy with her parents. Antonio is afraid of not being enough of a father figure to her, something he wants to be and tries to be.

Stephanie Smith-L/n
-First mentioned and appeared as "aunt" in Get Sporty-Er!, first mentioned and appeared as "Stephanie" in I Want Candace
-She is Antonio's wife
-She was born in Boulder and has lived there all her life
-She is pregnant at the moment (Revealed in The Secret)

Stephanie works with Antonio in his restaurant. She does the finances and helps out when they're short on staff on a busy night. She also organizes parties at the restaurant (People can rent the place to have a business party or birthday party etc.).

Stephanie speaks a bit of Italian, but not enough to fully communicate with her family in Italian. That is why, when she is there, the whole family just speaks English. Y/n has a good bond with Stephanie, she trusts her like she'd trust her mother.

Damiano L/n
-First mentioned as "cousin" in Field of Brains, first mentioned as "Damiano" in The Secret, and first appeared in M.D Day
-He is Antonio and Stephanie's son, y/n's cousin
-He was born in Boulder
-He speaks fluent Italian
-He's about 2 years older than y/n
-He's a massive jerk :) (I mean, if you've read the chapters he's in, you know what I mean)

Y/n and Damiano don't have the best bond (Sarcastic tone intended). Damiano sees y/n as his super annoying little "sister", and y/n sees him as her super annoying older "brother". They don't call each other brother and sister, though, they just call each other cousin.

Damiano is the laid-back cool guy of his own friend group and doesn't care about most things (at least, that's how he comes off). But there's a lot more to him than meets the eye. . .

And if you haven't noticed it yet, Damiano doesn't only strongly dislike y/n, he also strongly dislikes the quads.

Well, this is it. I hope you liked this little "extra information" about y/n's life, and I hope it helps you all understand her and the story a bit better.
If there's anything else you'd like to know, you can always ask! Just comment here or send me a message :)

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