Valentime's Day

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"Twenty-eight, twenty-nine, thirty." Ricky and Nicky counted at the same time.

"Guess we're tied. We got the same number of valentines." Ricky stated. Nicky nodded. Then, he looked at y/n who was counting her letters on the table next to him.

"Uh, y/n, how many did you get?" Nicky asked hesitantly. She sighed and threw the last one on the table.

"About fifty." She replied. Nicky and Ricky widened their eyes.


"Boom!" Dicky interrupted them and threw a bag filled with letters on the table. "Read 'em and weep 'em, losers. Looks like I won the Valentime's contest."

"Did you just say Valentime's?" Y/n asked and walked over to the boys' table.

"Yeah," Dicky replied and shrugged, "That's what it's called."

"No, it's not." Ricky said, "It's Valentine's."

"That's ridiculous." Dicky said, "It's the time that dude Valen comes and shoots people with his bone and marrow." Y/n laughed and Nicky frowned.

"It's bow and arrow." Ricky corrected. He was getting annoyed.

"Now you're just making stuff up." Dicky replied.

"It's official." Dawn said and jumped off Mae's table. "I'm the big winner. Check out what I got from Mae." She held up a gigantic card. Dawn opened the card and a cardboard cut out of Mae popped out.

"Mae you have a happy Valentine's day!" A voice recording of Mae said, coming out of the card.

"Mae you have a happy Valentine's day!" The real Mae repeated.

"Why didn't I get one of those?" Y/n asked, feeling a bit insulted.

"I didn't have enough materials to make another one." Mae explained, "But I got you this!" She handed y/n a small card.

"Thanks." Y/n said and smiled. She put it on top of the pile on her table.

"Just because you have one really cool card doesn't mean that you win." Dicky said to Dawn.

"Oh really? What do you think, Mae?" Dawn replied and shook the cardboard cut out of Mae, "Dawn wins! Dawn wins!"

"No." Dicky said and threw his bag full of cards on Mae's card, "Dicky wins! Dicky wins!"

"Hey, look, I got one more." Ricky said to Nicky and y/n, holding up a paper that he clearly wrote himself.

"You wrote that to yourself." Nicky replied. He was not amused. Y/n took the paper out of Ricky's hands and tore it in half.

"Oh, you want to dance? Let's dance." Ricky said angrily and took one of y/n's cards. He tore it in half.

Nicky gasped. The card Ricky tore apart looked awfully familiar to him. He grunted and took one of Ricky's cards, which he angrily tore in half as well. Then, the three started a fight and kept tearing each other's cards. With Dicky and Dawn arguing behind them, the sound of their arguing was loud.

"Kids! Kids!" The teacher ran into the room and tried to break up their fight, "Stop fighting!" She shushed them. "Mae, this is nothing to smile about." She said to the cardboard cut out of Mae.

"Uhm, Ms. Harvell?" Mae stood up from her chair.

"Oh. Sorry." She replied, "You know, I think you're all losing sight of what Valentine's Day is all about. It's about what you give, not what you get." She gave the five kids a pep talk.

"Excuse me. Delivery." A man said who knocked on the door. He had a big bouquet of roses in his hands.

"Oh, look what I get!" Ms. Harvell exclaimed happily and took the flowers from the delivery man.

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