Sweet Foot Rides

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Y/n and the boys were sitting at a table at Get Sporty, doing their homework together. Dawn was at the cafe counter, scrolling through social media on her phone. She suddenly rushed towards the others.

"Guys! Peyton Pittman just posted his jet is about to fly over the store!" She announced excitedly. The others gasped.

"No way!" Nicky said, and then he and y/n both frowned.

"Who's Peyton Pittman?" They asked at the same time.

"Uh, young hotshot tech billionaire." Ricky explained like it was obvious.

"International ladies' man." Dicky explained.

"Basically me with money." The two said in unison. Nicky nodded and y/n frowned.

"Pfft, you wish. No, you wish! Stop saying what I'm saying!" Ricky and Dicky went on. They sighed and then stood up at the same time, "Jambalaya! Pants! Tractor-face!"

The four all widened their eyes, impressed by what had just happened. "Whoa. . ." They all nodded their heads.

"Guys, hurry up!" Dawn called.

"I heard the inside of his jet is wallpaper with money." Ricky said as he and the others walked over to Dawn.

"I heard the outside is covered in gold." Dicky added.

"It can't be covered in gold." Nicky stated.

"Yeah, you'd have to be very rich to-" Y/n wanted to say, but then the jet flew over. The kids got blinded by the sun reflecting on the gold.

"Ahh! Oohh. . ."

"The legends are true." Ricky said with a smile on his face.

"I wish I was stupid rich like that." Nicky said.

"If I was stupid rich, I'd buy an island." Dawn replied.

"I'd buy two islands." Dicky said.

"Why do you need two islands?" Y/n asked.

"I'm gonna need a vacation island. A dude's gotta relax." Dicky explained. Y/n nodded and shrugged.

When the five went back inside the store, they ran into Anne. She was carrying a bunch of shoes.

"Oh, hey, have you kids seen your father? He asked me to bring out all these shoes." Anne asked, but the kids shook their heads.

"Hello, family and friends!" Tom suddenly jumped up behind the counter, startling them all.


"Look at this busy Mom," Tom started, and pointed at Anne, "so exhausted from lugging around all of the footwear for her children's various athletic activities. There's gotta be a better way."

"She could use a bag." Dawn said.

"Or a basket." Nicky added.

"Or a box." Dicky suggested.

"Or a cart." Ricky said.

"Or a supportive husband." Y/n added.

"Well, now there is." Tom continued, ignoring what the kids said. "Introducing my latest invention, Choez."

"Did you just say you invented shoes?" Dawn asked with her arms crossed.

"Yes, that's right, Choez. The shoes that can be anything you choose." Tom explained.

"The name needs work." Ricky stated, and the others nodded.

"You should call 'em Sweet Foot Rides." Dicky suggested, and the others nodded with a smile. Tom decided to ignore it again and went on with his sales pitch.

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