Chapter 88

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Peyton POV:

Paige had to get up early this morning and do another shoot for StockX which has left me lying in her bed overthinking all morning.

Having the asthma attack yesterday for some reason really embarrassed me. I don't know why. It's like I have to depend on a small little device in order to breathe. It makes me feel weak and it also makes others constantly worry.

I don't want others to worry. It makes me feel bad that something I can't control they are worrying about. It also doesn't help that everyone on Twitter is wondering why Paige was standing with my athletic trainer at the end of the game yesterday.

I just wish I never had asthma in the first place. And I also wish it didn't just randomly start bothering me the last 2 days. Like why now all of the sudden am I getting attacks? I don't get it.

After scrolling through social media and overthinking for the last hour I finally get out of bed and get ready for the day, meeting Paige in the dining hall for breakfast after her photo shoot with Nika.

Once in the dining hall we all get our food before sitting down at a table together. I got Chocolate Chip Pancakes, Paige got French Toast and Nika got an omelette. Once we sit down I notice I forgot to get syrup for my pancakes and silently curse at myself.

"I forgot to get syrup, so you guys need anything?" I ask them as I stand up. They both shake their heads No before I turn and head over to the condiment station.

"Hey what's a pretty girl like you doing here all alone?" I hear from behind me as I grab some syrup packets. I ignore the voice, thinking they are talking to someone else, until I feel someone tapping my arm so I turn around

"What?" I ask confused

"I said what's a pretty girl like you doing here alone?" Some guy says with a smirk

"I'm not alone" I answer annoyed

"Well do you want to go back to my dorm where we can be alone?" He asks confidently

"No. First of all I'm taken and second of all I'm not interested" I say trying to walk away but he stands in front of me

"Not interested? How are you not interested in me?" He says

"Because I'm gay moron, now move out of my way" I say getting angry but he just steps closer to me making me uncomfortable

"I bet I can change your mind" he says touching my arm which I quickly pull back in fear

"Don't touch me" I tell him

"But you're a beautiful girl" he says trying to caress my cheek but before I can I say "I SAID DON'T TOUCH ME" very loudly getting everyone's attention

Paige POV:

Nika and I are currently eating our food when all of the sudden I hear an awfully familiar voice scream, "I SAID DON'T TOUCH ME." I instantly know that's Peyton and quickly stand up trying to find her with Nika closely behind me.

What I see I don't like. Some guy is almost on top of Peyton so I quickly run over and put myself in between them with Peyton behind me and I hold her hand so she knows she safe before I motion to Nika to grab Peyton so she's away from this guy.

"If I were you I would back up" I tell the guy and he must be shocked about who's standing in front of him because his eyes go wide before going back to his smug self.

"Oh yea? And what are you gonna do? You do anything to me and it would end up in the press which would be really bad for you" he says threatening me

"Look around" I tell him and I see him break eye contact with me and look at everyone "You see everyone in here? With there phones out recording this? The only thing that would end up in the press is that I'm protecting my girlfriend from a little boy who doesn't know how to keep his hands to himself" I say angry now causing a circle to form around us of everyone watching.

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