Chapter 65

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Paige POV:

Peyton and I go to her room after her game because it's pretty late now. We both shower, change into pajamas, and then lay down in her bed with the TV on watching The Outerbanks.

"How are you feeling" I ask turning to look at her

"What do you mean?" she asks turning to look at me too

"How's your rib, after that girl body checked you to the ground" I say more clearly

"I mean it stills hurts, but I'll be fine" she says nonchalantly

"Can I have a look at it please?" I ask her

"At the bruise?"

"Yea, I wanna make sure you're okay"

She then rolls onto her back and takes her shirt off leaving her in a sports bra as I lean forward to get a good look at her ribs and see a bruise.

I look up at her eyes and pout my bottom lip out, feeling upset that she's in pain. I then slowly bend down and gently kiss her bruise a few times, to hopefully make her feel better.

"Do you want me to get you some ice or medicine?" I ask

"No it's okay, Cat gave me some medicine before the game ended" she says putting her hand in my hair and playing with it, something I've realized she does when she's anxious or tired.

"Can I have a hug" she says softly opening up her arms for me to lean into

"I don't want to hurt you though" I say

"You won't, I promise, I just want to hold you" she says looking into my eyes

I slowly lean down into her arms, trying my best not to hurt her, and we wrap our arms around each other, just enjoying the moment with each other.

I honestly love these moments, when we both can be soft and vulnerable with each other, as if nothing in the world matters, except us, holding each other and showing each other how much we love one another.

It's the next day and Peyton is at softball practice. I want to take her on a date tonight since we haven't gotten much alone time with just the 2 of us lately. Plus I wanna do something cute so she knows how much I care about her.

I'm thinking about taking her on top of this hill near campus, and watching the sunset, something cute and simple. I decide to head to the Target near campus and get a bunch of her favorite foods, so we can eat them while watching the sunset.

*Time skip to the date bc I'm lazy*

I set up all the snacks on top of the hill and laid down the blanket Peyton got me for Christmas, with a bunch of photos on it, so we have something to sit on.

"I have a surprise for you" I say to Peyton who's sitting on the couch in my dorm

"Ooo, what is it" she says excitedly standing up

"If I tell you that defeats the whole purpose of a surprise" I say laughing

"That's true, but I wanna know" she says chuckling

"We'll come on, I'll show you" I say extending my hand for her to take, which she happily does, and I begin walking towards the hill where I set everything up since it's not that far of a walk from our dorm.

"You're not kidnapping me right" Peyton says about 2 minutes into the walk

"If I were kidnapping you I wouldn't be holding your hand and you would have a bag over your head" I say  chuckling

After a couple minutes we get closer so I tell Peyton to close her eyes so she doesn't see what I set up yet.

"I swear to God, you better not let me fall" she says as she grips onto my hand tighter as we start walking up the hill

"I wouldn't let that happen" I tell her as we get to the top. "Ok, Open" I say

When she opens her eyes, her mouth drops open in shock as she looks around at everything I laid out and the view on top of the hill.

"You didn't" she says

"I did"

"I love you so much" she says walking back over to me and giving me a hug

"I love you more" I say as I give her a quick kiss "come on, let's go sit down" I tell her as I grab her hand again and we start walking towards the blanket and sit down.

"You didn't have to do this" she says as she rests her head on my shoulder as I grab a pack of Oreos and hand her one.

"Yea but I wanted to do something special, since we haven't been able to have alone time together, and since both our seasons are happening now it's gonna be hard to get time together" I say as I wrap my arm around her back.

"Well I'm gonna make it to every one of your games that I can, unless it's away or I have a game at the same time" she says picking her head off my shoulder and looking me in the eyes to tell me she's serious.

"And I'm gonna do the same thing, I wanna support you the same way you've been supporting me this whole season" I say holding eye contact with her

"It's gonna be hard, but I know we can do it, we just gotta communicate with each other" she says as she looks towards the sunset.

^ the sunset

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^ the sunset

"The sunset is so pretty" she adds

"Just like you" I say smiling

"That was so cheesy" she says laughing

"Yea, but you loved it" I say laughing with her

"That is true" she says as she leans over and kisses me.

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