Chapter 87

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Peyton POV:

So a fun fact about me is that I have asthma and the bad part about that is that no one knows. Well, except for Paige because I kind of had an asthma attack yesterday and she was with me when it happened and Cat the athletic trainer and Coach V.

But, I'm currently in the field right now and it's the last inning, so if we get 3 outs we win. But, I can tell I'm starting to have an attack because of the pollen and sand in the air. Normally I'm fine during games, but sometimes it gets to be too much, and that's what's happening right now.

I try not to focus too much on the feeling, hoping it will go away, and just focusing on the next play I have to make but that doesn't seem to be the case as the girl up at bat hits a base hit to left field, making me jog over to second.

The less I move the better it is, so I try to stay still, but after every pitch I have to jog over to second in case the girl on first tries to steal, making it harder for me to breathe.

I take a few deep breathes in and out trying to steady my breathing before getting back into position for the next play. But before I get in position, I look over behind my dugout and see Paige sitting there, already with her eyes on me.

Luckily for me, she is able to come to all my home games now since her season is over. But I'm also extremely lucky she's at this game because she has my inhaler on her. She said something like "Whenever I'm with you I'm keeping your inhaler on me in case you ever need it again" to me yesterday. So I just need this game to end so I can grab it from her.

Paige has gotten really good at reading me. Like she knows when I'm upset, tired, hungry, when I wanna be alone, when something is wrong, etc. And I love her for that because honestly she knows me better than myself. But I'm also happy in this moment she can tell something is wrong even though no one else seems to notice because she grabs the inhaler from her pocket, holds it up and points to it, almost asking if I need it. I just give her a nod before focusing back on the batter because I can't do anything about it right now.

The girl up at bat hits a grounder to shortstop so I run over to second, catching the ball and throwing it over to first for the double play. I high five all my teammates after the play before walking back to my position, but now coughing.

Since I had to sprint to second, it made my breathing unsteady making my throat feel more tight. (Btw idk anything about asthma so all of this I'm basically making up, so if it's wrong I'm sorry)

I'm also taking gasps of air trying to convince my body that I'm okay and I can breathe, but I know nothing will help other than my inhaler.

Even though I'm struggling to breathe I've been subtle about it. Which is why I'm happy Paige picked up on it because no one else has. Which I guess is a good and bad thing. Good because no one knows I'm basically dying and bad because no one knows I'm basically dying.

Since we have 2 outs we only need one more and then the game is over and I'll be able to use my inhaler, so I'm hoping this batter is a quick out.

But unfortunately for me it's not. The count has been 3-2 for the last 2 minutes and the girl keeps fouling off every ball, which means we couldn't get the out. By now I'm really struggling to breathe and keep coughing every second. Cat has definitely picked up on my asthma attack because I look over at the dugout and see her and Paige standing next to each other for the game to end to give me my inhaler.

Luckily for me, the batter fouls the ball again and Kate, our catcher, makes a diving catch to end the game. My team all runs from the dugout to hug Kate on her diving catch but all I'm focusing on is making it to the dug out.

In a matter of seconds I walk down the steps of the dug out, exchange my glove for my inhaler with Paige and make my way to the team locker room as my Coaches and team celebrate the win.

Once I'm out of view from all people and cameras except Paige and Cat I stop in the hallway that leads to the locker room, lean against the wall and immediately use my inhaler twice to help feel some relief. Thankfully the inhaler does it's job and I feel relief almost immediately and my breathing goes back to normal after a couple minutes.

"You okay?" Cat asks as I'm still leaning against the wall as Paige holds my hand

"Yea, I'm good" I say shakily still recovering from the attack

"You can go to the locker room, get your stuff, and head back to your dorm and relax. I'll tell Coach V what happened" Cat says

"Okay, thank you" I say as I walk down the hallway with my hand intertwined with Paige's.

Before we leave the locker room Paige puts a hoodie on me, keeping the hood up, and doing the same for herself, that way it's harder for people to spot us as we're leaving. Because the last thing I need is getting stopped for pictures right now.

After a stressful couple minutes of getting back to Paige's room in her dorm we finally make it as I walk in the door and Paige closes it.

I immediately embrace her in a hug just to show her how much I love and appreciate her after how scary that was because I thought I was gonna pass out at one point because I couldn't breathe.

"You're okay" Paige whispers into my ear as she hugs me back and runs her fingers through my hair

I don't answer. I just keep hugging her as I close my eyes and relax into her touch, knowing everything is going to be okay.

Give me some more ideas for this story if you guys have any. I'm also working on another story that I will publish once this is done.

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