Chapter 58

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Peyton POV:

We just landed in Maryland and I'm a little nervous. I don't know why though because I've met Paige's dad and Drew before. I think it's just the nerves of the whole holiday break and it being the first time i'm celebrating without my family that I'm nervous.

I think Paige has noticed my nerves because as we are holding hands walking through the airport she starts to trace her thumb on the back on my hand to comfort me. So I decide to squeeze her hand softly three times.

"Why did you squeeze my hand 3 times?" Paige turns to ask me

"I squeeze love squeeze you squeeze" I show before adding "it's a silent way to say I love you whenever we are around a lot of people or there are a lot of cameras or something.

"Well then, I squeeze love squeeze you squeeze too squeeze" she says as she squeezes my hand softly for each word which makes me have the biggest smile on my face.

We make it to Paige's Dad's house and Paige knocks on the door and shortly after Mr. Bueckers opens the door.

"Hey guys, it's good to see you, how was your flight" he asks as he gives Paige and I a quick hug

"It was good, it was really fast, I wasn't expecting it to be that fast" I say laughing

"Just wait till you fly to Minnesota, that's about 3 hours from here" he says helping us bring our bags in the house

"Can't wait" Paige says as we walk in the house. When suddenly I hear little footsteps get louder and louder

"PEY!!" Drew screams as he runs over to me

"DREW!!" I scream back picking him up and holding him on my waist. "How's it going buddy" I ask

"Good, hi Paigey" he says waving to Paige which makes me laugh

"Hey buddy" she says walking over to us and messing up his hair

"Look I'm as tall as you" Drew says excitedly to Paige, since I'm holding him on my hip, he is about Paige and I's height

"Wow, time flies by" Paige jokes

"Are you guys hungry? Do you wanna get something to eat?" Paige's dad says as he comes back from bringing our suitcases into Paige's room

"Yea, I'm kinda hungry" I say

"Yea me too, we didn't really eat much in the airport" Paige says

"You guys wanna go out or stay in?" her dad asks

I turn to Paige and see what she wants to do because I don't really care, but she looks at me to see what I wanna do. But after a couple seconds of silence and us staring at each other she speaks up.

"Let's go out, family bonding time" she says

"Alright, where do you wanna go?" Her dad asks

"I have no idea what's around here, so I don't mind" I say

"Let's go to the diner!" Drew says happily

"Diner it is" Paige says smiling at him

We make it to the diner and order our food. Paige and I both got chocolate chip pancakes, Drew got waffles, and Paiges dad got an omelette.

Paige and I are sitting next to each other and her dad and Drew are across from us.

"Your siblings are coming tomorrow right?" Paiges dad asks

"Yea, i'm assuming anywhere from lunch time to 4" I say

"Ok, whatever time they show up will be fine. Is it fine if they share a room?"

"Yea, they used to share rooms all the time when we stayed at our grandparents house at the beach in the summer"

"Ok, and you two" he says pointing between me and Paige "there better be no funny business this trip while you share a room" which makes me laugh

"Aye Aye Captain" Paige jokes saluting to him

"You are so childish do you know that" her dad says to Paige

"I know, I try" she says smiling

"Do you guys have any plans for today"

"I think I'm gonna take her on a drive and show her places around here" Paige says

"Wait really" I say turning to Paige smiling

"Yea" she says making eye contact with me and smiling

"I'm so excited"

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