Chapter 11

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Peyton POV:

It's currently 11 AM and I have a class at 12 since it's Monday. I don't really wanna go to class but it will be a good way to pass the time until I can see Paige again, instead of just sitting in my room.

Class is boring as usual. As I'm making my way back to my dorm some people notice me and ask for pictures which I happily agree to.

I always try to be nice to my fans because they are the reason where I'm at today. But, at times it can get overwhelming when a lot of them crowd around me and are all talking at the same time.

Luckily for me there were only a couple people right now asking for my picture.

*Time skip to the movie night in Paige's dorm*

I'm currently in Paige's dorm. Nika, Christyn, Evina, Kate, and Tori are all here.

We have decided on watching Sing. I'm sitting next to Paige on the couch and then our friends are scattered around the room in chairs or on the couch next to us.

I'm having a great time singing and dancing along to the songs. It's like being at a concert in my opinion that's why I love this movie.

About halfway through the movie Paige puts her arm around me and I just look up at her and smile and decide laying my head on her shoulder.

She doesn't seem to mind because she starts slowly rubbing my back which gives me butterflies.

Paige POV:

The movie ended and so look down at Peyton and realize she fell asleep. She looks so cute sleeping. I wish I could hold her like this forever and never let go.

"Is she asleep" E whispers

I decide on just nodding my head yes that way I don't accidentally wake her by talking.

"Is it ok if she stays here because she looks pretty comfortable and I don't think she would mind" Kate says quietly

"Yea that's fine" Christyn replies. Kate and Tori then leave.

"You guys can go to bed I'll take care of her" I whisper to Nika, Christyn, and Evina.

They all say "ok, goodnight" and head to their rooms.

I carefully pick Peyton up trying not to wake her and carry her into my room and put her on my bed. She's in a shirt and sweatpants so I think she should be comfortable enough sleeping in that, so I pull the covers over her while I get ready for bed.

Once I get ready for bed I quietly get under the covers as well, hoping she won't mind sleeping in the same bed. I mean she did fall asleep on me on the couch so I don't think she'll mind.

"Goodnight Peyton" I whisper as I kiss her forehead and roll over to fall asleep.

What I didn't know is that she was awake and knew I kissed her.

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