Chapter 27

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Peyton POV:

It's the next day and neither of us have practice so we are just relaxing on the couch watching All American.

"When's your next game" I ask

"In two days vs St. John's but it's away" Paige says

"So when do you have to leave"

"Tomorrow after practice since it's only a few hours away"

"Ok that's not too bad"

"Yea but how about we do something today" Paige says

"What do you have in mind"

"Well now that my ankle is better I thought we could go ice skating and I can actually teach you how not to fall every 5 seconds" she says trying not laugh.

"Wow how kind of you" I sarcastically say

"I know right, I'm so nice" she says "But do you wanna go"

"Yea why not, it should be fun" I say.

We make it to the ice rink and grab our skates. Paige helps me tie mine because I have no idea what I'm doing.

After we get our skates on we start making our way to the ice. Paige steps on with ease and gestures for me to step on too.

"The second I step on that ice I'm gonna fall"

"Here grab my hands I'll hold you" she says extending her hands out for me to grab.

I slowly step onto the ice and already almost fall but Paige grabs me and pulls me close to her so I don't fall.

"Good start" I joke looking up to her

"You can say that again" she says laughing. "Alright so I'm gonna slowly skate backwards still holding onto you, and you should move forward"

Luckily there's not a lot of people at the free skate so I don't have to worry about someone cutting us off or getting scared of falling if too many people are around me, because the last thing I want is to fall and someone steps on me with their skate blade.

Paige starts so move backwards and I hold onto her hands a little tighter and I start gliding on the ice.

"You're okay" she says

After a few minutes of Paige helping me move she wants me to start trying to skate now that I've been on the ice for a little bit.

"Just pick one skate up like your going to walk and then dig the blade into the ice to get some momentum" Paige says still holding onto me.

I take a deep breathe and listen to what she says. I pick my right foot up and place it back down digging into the ice like she said.

"Good, now try the other foot"

After a few minutes I got the hang of skating while still holding onto Paige. She then taught me how to stop that way I don't crash into anything.

"I think I'm ready to try on my own" I say

"Are you sure?"


"Alright lets see it"

I start skating by myself and I'm doing pretty well. I'm definitely a lot better than I was when I went with Kate and Tori.

After a few minutes of skating around with Paige following me I stop.

"Wanna race" I say

"Are you serious"

"Yea why"

"You just learned how to skate today"

"So what, are you scared of a little competition" I tease as I come close to her.

"No. Just don't want you making excuses when you lose" she teases back

"Oh it's on"

We skate to the one end of the rink with one hand on the boards ready to skate.

"On three" I say


We both start skating super fast and right now I'm ahead of Paige. One thing we didn't account for during this race was little kids skating getting in the way.

As I'm about to touch the other side of the rink's boards a little kid cuts me off and I try my best to avoid him but I lose balance.

The next thing I know is before I hit the ground Paige grabs me to try to catch me but it's too late and we both fell.

"That went well" I say laughing as we both are laying on the ice facing each other.

"You're crazy you know that"

"Yea but you love it" I say looking down at her lips before quickly looking back at her eyes. I wish we weren't in public so I could kiss her right now.

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