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"Oh wow, it's Teruhashi!"

"She's so gorgeous."

Teruhashi gigged to herself as the usual amount of boys flocked around the girl admiring her beauty.

"My life is so perfect. I'm almost offended I didn't get as much screen time lately. I clearly have more entertaining things going on." Teruhashi rolled her eyes slightly with annoyance before going through her greeting with her classmates who all rushed to her side. A boy had given Teruhashi a juice box and another had gifted the girl his lunch and claimed he wasn't hungry.

"Give that poor guy his lunch back." Saiki frowned watching the boy slowly realizing exactly what he had done.

Teruhashi sat at her desk with the pile of gifts she would receive daily. She moved some things to the ground before averting her eyes over to the pink-haired boy who was bored out of his mind

"I wonder if Saiki had the chance to hang out with y/n more." Teruhashi thought staring at the pink-haired psychic

"As a matter of fact, I did... But that's going to change very soon." Saiki frowned leaning his head on his desk while tapping his pencil faintly on his desk. He remembered when Kuboyasu asked Y/n to go over to his place. Of course, Y/n was simply going to return the cat she had been caring for over his disappearance.  Saiki was still bothered by the idea of Kuboyasu and Y/n in the boy's house together... Alone...

He abruptly turned his head towards Teruhashi who looked away from the teen finding a sudden interest in the ceiling above her. He rolled his eyes and turned his head back to the front only to be greeted by the voice of a familiar purple-haired teen barging into the class. He was having a long conversation with Y/n who realized the two were in front of a classroom door. She gave the teen a short hug before walking back to her class. Saiki watched the girl through the window of the door as she seemed to have a smile still plastered on her face. Saiki frowned seeing Kuboyasu's flushed expression and felt the mechanical pencil snap in half in hand.

"Don't get so damn cocky. Y/n is nice to everyone, it doesn't mean she likes you." Saiki thought glaring at the boy who seemed to notice the pink-haired boy's stare.

"What, does Saiki wanna fight me or something? Whys is he staring at me like that." Kuboyasu wondered passing by the teen as he sat down at his desk feeling a certain unease towards the boy.

"Kuboyasu." A small and sweet voice sang next to the purple-haired boy's ear as he turned over to look at Teruhashi who seemed to have appeared next to the boy.

"Yeah? What's up?" Kuboyasu asked the girl who looked over worriedly at her quiet friend near the front of the class

"Do you think something is wrong with Saiki?" Teruhashi asked in nearly a whisper. Kuboyasu just gave the girl a shrug and figured he wouldn't give the boy the time of day. Teruhashi found his response disappointing as she retreated to her seat before class began once again.

Once the boring and seemingly never-ending class ended, Teruhashi was quick to chase after Saiki who appeared to be going in the opposite direction of where the friend group would commonly meet. The girl followed Saiki through the staircases and hallways where she received many waves and compliments that nearly blew her cover. She came to a halt when seeing Saiki march into the music room that had not been used for the past 4 years. Of course, its entire purpose wasn't useless as many teachers would use it as a place to keep their storage while teens made use of it to make out during passing periods. The teachers all knew about the students kissing during the breaks but decided that that was a touchy subject they refused to confront.
Teruhashi slid open the door to see Saiki sitting on a pretty sturdy box and was humongous. He turned to stare at Teruhashi who closed the door behind her making sure to keep her eyes on Saiki while doing so.

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