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"Do you want to just sit back and relax while our student councils are practically gnawing their way through classes and helping out with our school's funding and activities? They need our help more than anything! So, us upcoming Juniors need to be prepared! We need to become more independent and more efficient. This will heavily increase our success in the future! The student council called us for this task and I don't even want to let them down!" Najimi yelled to the group of kids who seemed all worn out. She lifted the stack of paper high above her head while the group gave their exhausted affirmations

"No way am I organizing all this. How come the other classes don't have to do this?" A boy yelled out giving a loud groan. The rest of the students seemed to agree with the boy's statement and soon an uproar was filling the class.

"Hey! Shut the hell up you, damn twerps! It's our turn to help out our superiors so show some respect! You're going to organize these papers or else I'll give you extra homework!" Najimi yelled pointing accusingly at the class. They all let out their childish complaints but soon got to work. Each student was separated into either the hallway, classroom, or student council room. Najimi was eager to elect herself to be on the council room team.
Y/n was quickly chosen to be the brunette's partner as the two were quick and effective in their work. Najimi was the type to not mess around until all the burdens of work were gone. Luckily, Y/n was found in the quiet room. Occasionally a couple of students would sweep the council room before going back to their work.

Najimi seemed to be very talented when it came to stapling papers together because she knew exactly how many to grab and would never question her methods. Y/n on the other hand seemed to just rely on the spirit to help her out. She feared that if she continuously checked the papers Najimi would find her incapable of doing the simplest task. Luckily her spirit was able to split the papers apart mid-staple.

By the end of the class, Najimi sighed when finishing and smiled constantly then looked over at her partner to see her resting her cheek on the wooden table. The brunette peeked at the girl's work and saw that she had already completed her work and was now lightly snoring on the desk. Najimi smiled at this which seemed to catch the attention of some classmates

"Is Y/n her favorite or something?"

"She did ask to work with her?"

"Maybe they're secret lovers!" A girl squealed at the thought of her manga trope happening before her eyes

"That's ridiculous. Anyway, they both seemed to be hard workers. Just hope Najimi doesn't let Y/n off the hook for everything." A girl rolled her eyes before stapling the small packet of papers.

"Hey, how come your stack of papers is larger than mine?"

"... Can you help me tear out these staples please?"


Akechi was waiting patiently for the girl on the rooftop. After what he saw that morning he was almost certain the girl had some sort of abilities as well.
He perked up when seeing a few people walk into the roof for lunch, luckily a familiar girl was slowly marching behind the group towards the boy. Akechi noticed how tired the girl was and decided the best option would be to walk to the girl instead of wearing her out.

"Did you just wake up from a nap? You look sleepy. Did you stay up too late last night? You shouldn't do that it can severely tarnish your health." Akechi spoke to the girl who just squinted at the boy trying to see him clearly through the harsh ray of the sun. She wondered why her weather said mostly cloudy when there had not been a single cloud in the sky.

"I'm sorry. I finished my work early in class so I decided to take a nap." Y/n spoke up to the boy who nodded then led her to the bench that seemed to face away from the sun glare. The vibe seemed to become more serious as the girl felt herself becoming nervous by how Akechi seemed a little bit more stoic.

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